Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wednesday Medley and Charlie

Hi!!! I hope everyone is having a great week so far?!?!

Today I am joining in with Terri for her Wednesday Medley! You can join in also if you wish...just copy the questions below on to your blog, answer and link up at Terri's blog so we can all read your answers!  

Tomorrow is National Croissant Day!!




In the United States, National Croissant Day is observed each year on January 30th. Croissants are a buttery, crescent-shaped rolls that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.  
The key to a perfect croissant is laminating the dough. Laminating the dough is a process by which butter is folded into the mixture creating multiple thin layers of butter and dough. The result is a mouth-watering flaky crust and airy body.
Legend surrounds this pastry, as is often the case with a popular, worldly treat. What is known, is that crescent-shaped breads have been found around the world for ages. One of these was the Kipferl which originated in Austria as far back as the 13th century. This nonlaminated bread is more like a roll.
Credit for the croissant we know today is given to an Austrian military officer, August Zang. In 1939 he opened a Viennese bakery in Paris introducing France to Viennese baking techniques.
Stop by the bakery for a fresh, warm croissant or try making your own using this recipe: Croissants recipe.
1.  So... do you like croissants?  What is your favorite way to eat them? I am not a real croissant fan...I like biscuits and muffins way more!
2.  Speaking of food... How do you handle stress? I eat...don't we al1? HA HA
3.  Out of the negative emotions of greed, anger, jealousy, and hate, which one would you say affects you the most? Probably greed. I have anger, jealousy and hate pretty much in control but my greed can get out of hand often!
4.  Out of the positive emotions of compassion, positivity, enthusiasm, and initiative, which one is your biggest strength? Definitely positivity...but that is only because I choose to focus on it. I think how we choose to view things is EVERYTHING!
5.  What do you get every time you go grocery shopping, other than the staples such as bread, milk, butter, flour, sugar?  I love cottage cheese, yogurt and chicken. Those are definite for me every trip!
6.  Please tell us something random about your week so far.

Last night I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with one of my very best friends, Donna! It was such a great night!!

Here we are at dinner! We went to Peter Allens which is right near the Benedum Theater in the cultural district of Pittsburgh.

Here is the menu in case you have never been there! It is awesome!!! They are know for their fried zucchini strips!! YUM! If you ave never tried this place; you should! We go here a lot - the service is great and food is consistently delicious!

The other side....

Here we are at the show!!! Sooo much fun!!!

It was so good! The music and dancing were great and it was so cool to see how they performed the story on the stage! Great show and high energy!!! The 11 year old that played Charlie Bucket was fantastic!!!

I hope you all have a great rest of your week!!


It is freezing where you live? or warm? any snow? Ever see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?



  1. I, too, prefer biscuits and muffins to a croissant. Fried zucchini … YUM! Oh, I love live theater. I'm so encouraged by your zest for life!

    1. Aw..thank you! We only to get be here once, right?! Have a great night!!

  2. Looks like you had a really great night out. I haven't seen it but would like to. Very cold here at the moment but no snow in London. Not the same for some areas in the UK - lots of snow overnight and the usual chaos that follows - we are useless at dealing with snow.

    1. I guess if you don't have to deal with it all the time then it is harder when it comes. we get it all too often...HA! Have a great night Wendy!

  3. Replies
    1. It really was great thanks for stopping by and reading! Have a great weekend!

  4. I used to be on a cottage cheese kick myself ... dont know why I stopped eating it. It has good protein in it!

    1. Its a favorite of mine - great snack! Have a great night Rebecca Jo!

  5. Your evening with your friend sounds so wonderful! I love all of the pictures! We do not have that restaurant or I would love to go try it! Loved your answers! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Lori - thanks for coming by and commenting! Have a great night!

  6. Your evening sounds fantastic.
    Yep, it is cold here -30 with a -51 windchill! Wisconsin's Frozen Tundra. LOL

    1. Oh WOW Carla! You are colder than us here - stay warm!!! UGH! Have a great night and I hope it warms up soon!!

  7. I love croissants!!! Best ones I ever had were in Montreal.
    I dislike biscuits with a passion but muffins yumo. Muffins are small cakes to me. :-) Glad you had a great time at the theatre. :-)

    1. Thanks Margaret! I ope you have a great night!

  8. Well that sounds like a fun evening! I'm with Carla on the snow and cold info. She lives about 10 miles from me. :-) Some of the other bloggers mentioned canned croissants. It JUST occurred to me that they meant the ones you break out of a tube. I thought they meant like PRESSURE CANNED. LOLOL

    1. Oh wow! I feel bad for both of you then! You have it much colder than me - ugh! Laughed out load on the pressure canned croissants comment!! HA! Have a great night!

  9. OH I just LOVE croissants!! My French teacher used to bring in some amazing fruit and chocolate filled ones; they were almost as good as the ones I ate while in France!

    1. Okay well croissant with chocolate might just change my opinion! HA! I like anything with chocolate! Lucky you have been to France also!!! Have a great night!

  10. Looks a wonderful time. I might have to get me a croissant.

    1. LOL! No biscuit or muffin? Have a great night!

  11. I'm glad you enjoyed the show. It looks like it would have been tons of fun. How have I never heard of that restaurant? My favorite thing at a local place is their zucchini fries with ranch dressing for dipping so I'd be all over those. You are right about attitude being everything...I'm working on that. The seeing the positive, that is.

    1. It used to be called Francos; but the cook bought it and it's now Peter Allen. Maybe you have heard of Francos? Focusing on the positive helps me daily - I struggle sometimes but am gettin prety good at it!

  12. What a fun night out with your friend!! Have a great day!

  13. Love your answers, and looks like a fun night!
    Now I'm hungry for croissants and zucchini strips!
    It's quite warm here - 50's - I feel a little guilty.

    1. You should not be feeling guilty - just enjoy a little heat for me!! HA! Have a fantastic weekend Abby!

  14. I has not been warm here in FL but I imagine you might think it is warm for you! Ha!! I've never seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but it sounds fun! Stay warm up there!!

    1. I am quite sure it would feel warm for me...ha! We are at 5 today! HA! Have a great night!!!


ICU Nurse it is

 Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...