I may lose half my followers with this post but I hope to convince you to open your minds.....HA!!
I love Kidrock - he is soooo hot and sooooo sweet - I actually met him before a concert in Pgh a few years ago and he is soooooo humble and down to earth I fell in love - really!!!
His cousin passed away from addiction and he sings so many heartfelt and beautiful songs along with the others that I cannot mention!
I am going to the concert with my bestest buddy Sherry and a friend of ours Ed. It is going ot be interesting to see their reactions...I gave them CD's so they knew what they were getting into - HA!!!!
Anyway - 6 MORE DAYS UNTIL KIDROCK - and I know one of my bloggy friends' husband works on Roberts (Kidrocks) car and I would not protest if she showed him this blog post and gave him my address...I live in a condo with a big parking lot so his tour bus would fit JUST FINE!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all and Happy Thursday!