Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Friday, January 29, 2010
A Baby Shower!!!
They are having a little girl in March 2010 and we are all soooo excited for them!
This is their first child!!!!
I am trying really hard to push the name Ann, Jr. but so far - no dice!!
Here is the invitations I made...
We are going to play all kinds of FUN shower games....(sarcasm!!!)
There is baby food shower bingo...and finally word unscramble!!
Such fun, hugh?!?!?!?!?
I will be posting many pics on Monday....because I will be at the parents house...the blogging will cease till Monday!
EVERYONE have a GREAT weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Participating in Random Dozen
Just for fun I thought I would join in with Linda at 2nd cup of coffee for her random dozen!!
Here we go...
1. How good are you at delaying gratification? Pretty good - I wait until the evening of WW Weight in to get my weekly treat...and lately I have only been allowing myself one pedi per month!!! :-)
2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting? Chocolate kills me and Bethel Bakery Cake - nothing in the universe compairs for me!!
3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being saintly) how patient are you? I would say I am a five..I have been getting worst times are in the car and driving!!!!!
4. Have you ever waited for something in life only to be disappointed upon realization of the goal/object/etc.? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! "Be careful what you pray for, you just might get it."LOL
5. Are you a person who takes shortcuts? not very often...I enjoy hard work and the feeling of accomplishment!
6. Which line is hardest to wait in?Without a doubt, the DMV - feel like cattle when I have to go there!!!!!!! TOO MANY LINES!!! LOL
7. Did you wait to discover the gender of your unborn child until its birth? no kids :-(
8. Are you more patient with children or the elderly? BOTH!!!!!!!
9. Did you ever sneak a peek at a present? whenever we were kids we did this all the time - then you start to realize that it just spoils the suprise (kinda like "you are only hurting yourself")
10. What is the longest you've ever waited for anything?4 years to graduate from college
11. Who has more patience, you or your significant other? me me me me
12. Which of the following songs about waiting is your pick for the best? (OK, you may substitute another, if you like.)Definitely A - love Carly!
A) Anticipation by Carly Simon
B) The Waiting by Tom Petty
C) Right Here Waiting for You by Richard Marx
D) Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James along!!!!
Cant' wait to read everyone elses answers!!!!!
Crazy Baking Weekend
Some of you may know I was married before...very brief scary moment...about 15 years now. Wayyyyyyyyyy past it now and we were married and divorced within 9 months...quick huhg?!~?!? Anyway, the reason I mentioned that is I got alot of small applicances, etc. as gifts that I still use today.
On Saturday I was going to bake like a fiend and as I was beating the dough for my wheat choc chip cookies, the beaters clinked together on my hand mixer and the motor burnt out. Dead Mixer. Oh well I thought, it lasted 15 years!!!
Then I was stirring the batter and my spatula (also a Farberware wedding gift) snapped in half. Again, I thought, oh well it lasted 15 years.
Lastly, I went to add the brown sugar and realized it had hardened into a bunch of little hard balls so I threw it into the blender the loosen it apart and broke two blades off my blender.
Seriously, what are the chances?!?!?!
Needless to say I ended the bakathon for the day so as not to break any other small appliances and headed straight for my fav store...Kohl's!!!
I got this...
And this...
Any excuse to buy something and I AM THERE!!! So, all in all - NOT A BAD BAKING DAY!!!! LOL
Have a happy over the hump day!!!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Annnnnddddd silence...
What is this about?!?!?! I have no idea! For the past week or so I have had NOTHING to write about.
I may be in seasonal affectiveness disorder overload!!!!
I need to go tanning TODAY - in fact, you have convinced me, I am going at lunch today!!!
Anyway, I will leave you with some fun pics (well, fun for my family) are my two adorable nieces when they were little - I just scanned this in and on facebook it created a huge stir with the family (everyone is posting that they are laughing so hard it hurts)...they are sooooo their hats and with their purses!!! They are 16 and 14 today so this is sooo funny to look back on this photo!!! I will post a somewhat recent one too so you can get the idea of why this is soooo funny!!
Happy Tuesday - when I write tomorrow I will be sunburnt and feeling perky-hopefully!!!!
THEN (Jordan on the left Jessica on the right):
NOW (LtoR Jessica, Jordan and my sis):
Friday, January 22, 2010
Rhubarb and Buckeyes
This lovely couple is my Aunt Laura and Uncle Chris Buehler.
For many, many years they owned a peach orchard in Ohio.
I have sooooo many fond memories of them and the a child riding through the orchard on a tractor and picking and eating as many peaches as we wanted!!!!!!
Sooooooooooooo much fun!!!!!
Also, when we went to their house they always had buckeyes (the real kind and not the cookie kind) and rubarb spread (yummmmmmmy!)
They have both passed on but they passed on sooo many amazing and fond memories for my family for as long as we had them in our lives!
I love you both!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
EASIEST and yummiest dinner EVER-Pork and Rice!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Second post in one day?!?!?
Here's why....
Selina posted that she is going to be a godmother today!!!! Yeah!!!
I am a godmother to the sweetest and cutest and most loving child on the earth!
She is a beautiful person already (inside and out) and she is only three (in fact-she just turned three).
She brings out light and joy whenever she is around and she comes up with the smartest and some of the funniest questions I have EVER heard!
I truly love this child with all my heart and there is nothing I would rather do than led by example for her love the love of God. I have been saved, there is NO doubt to anyone that knows me that I have been saved! And I will spend the rest of my years trying to do the "next right thing" and set an example for countless others and my Goddaughter!
I will leave you with this picture of her...wearing her favorite outfit of the fall 2009 season...purple stretch pant(tight like a sausage), pink shirt, SNAZZY pink dress up heals and that "ever present" and radiant smile!!!! Is she amazingly adorable or what!??!??!
Show Us Your Weight Loss Tips
Today I am participating in Kelly's Korner "Show us your weight loss tips".
This is a subject near and dear to my heart!! LOL
Here is my before and is kinda scarrrryyyyyy...
I have struggled with my weight all my life - I do not remember a time when I was not aware that I was overweight.
I began Weight Watchers about 2 years ago and it works!
I think my issue all along has been portion size. I always thought I did not not eat too much but apparently I had NO CONCEPT AT ALL of portion size.
So my number 1 tip is watch and measure your portions!!
Number two is I keep yummy LOWFAT treats on hand (I love Jolly Time popcorn 50 calories, 50 calorie chocolate jello and skinny cow treats)- that way, if I am craving chocolate I can eat something chocolate without having a candy bar! LOL
Number three - get active! I just had to get off the couch and move - once I get to the gym and start moving I feel great!!!! It is just the getting there part that I struggle with - I try to remind myself how good it feels when I am done.
Number four - I have to remember that it is a journey and not a destination...I am learning to "eat to live" and not "live to eat" - some weeks I will gain and others I will lose - there is going to be back steps some weeks but that is ok too.
In total - I have lost over 100 pounds so far with about 40 to go!!
I swear by Weight Watchers now!!!!!!! It has become a HEALTHY way of life!
Tip to myself: don't cheat and you will lose more quickly!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Where I want to be
Instead I am at is a freezing 24 degrees AGAIN...and I am trudging through snow and slush!!!!
Ick - I am daydreaming of Lake Mohawk and counting down the days until next spring and summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and...
Over the past three days (MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY)I have logged over 15 miles on my ipod runner!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo - just gotta keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and...
It's datenight!!!!! Snuggle in for a fuin night of movie watching with Waliacha!!!!!!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thursday!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Picture Day 3
Today I think I will post another pic of food! Seems like a trend, hugh?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ramen a Fav???
This is a picture of Waliacha's favorite dinnner. I have HATED these things since college!!!!! (Cooking in my dorm room in that mini crock pot with hardened noodles from the night before) icky icky icky - not good memories!!! :-p
I swear he would eat this every night if he had a choice. And he always eats them from this huge white plastic mixing bowl (not sure what that is about?!?!?!?).
Some days he adds meat (any kind of cooked meat will do) and other days he swirls a few eggs into the soup after it is heated up....
I say YUCK!!!!! But, I also say "WOW! Cheat dinner!!!" These are like 20 cents a piece at WallyWorld!!!
Anyway, he was all excited that I was having a salad for dinner and he could happily eat his soup (he specifically requested one beef packet and one shrimp) - not sure if this is an aquired taste but whatever!!! Easy and quick dinner!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Monday, January 11, 2010
I'm playing!!!! Picture 365 - A picture a day
Lately I felt as if I have had nothing to post exciting!
Since today is the first day and I have no camera with me - I will post my one and only old picture...this is my niece (taken last year) as she was making her piggy the face not the cutest thing you have ever seen?!??!?!??!??!??!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Christmas Gifts
I got the coolest gifts from my "little" brother in our family exchange!!!!
I got a baking stone that I love love love. I know - "We thought you were on a diet?"...
That is what makes this soooo great!!!
I am a pizza making freek now.
I use the wheat flatbreak (2 points) like a tortilla
1/4 c Weight Watchers mozz or chedder cheese
Salsa instead of sauce
and toppings like hot banana peppers/tomato/seasonings/onion/mush/seasoned turkey burger meat/diced chicken/any veggies/YUM YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!
They are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
They get so melty and crunchy....even Waliacha loves them!!!!!!!!
Annnnnnnnnddddd I got a...
Nike Ipod running tracks my runs and it is soooooooo cool - it even does a little countdown when you are close to finsihing your goal of the run (either time, distance, etc.)
It is sooooooo fun to run!!! I am still doing classes (Zumba and BodyPump) on the off days but running (or should I say jogging-LOL) has become fun again!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!
And, of course, the biggest gift of all was getting to see the ENTIRE family together for the holiday!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Seven Random Facts About Me
Thanks Selina for the tag :) (I am one of the ones not yet tagged and I had nothing to say today - worked out well!!! LOL)
1. I am alumni of the Modernettes (based in South Park, PA) (Grand National World Twirling Corps Champions) - we won all 10 years I was a member from 1976 - 1986...they are still winning EVERYTHING so it didn't totally have to do with me being on the team!!!! :-)
2. I am divorced. I was married at 26 and divorced in the same year - sad I know!!! Actually, not sad just a really BIG BIG BIG mistake...I love serious relationships just dont think I ever want someone to have control of y life ever again...I will date for the rest of my life - NEVER agin will I marry! I have stuck to this for the past 17 years so thats why people are suprised when they hear I was married.
3. I would love to have a baby! I am in a serious relationship and if it happens, it happens!I would be THRILLED - although I am 40 - time will tell....... :-(
4. I am highly allergic to cats!! I have three cats and if there were not lawes governing it, I would have 300 - I cry everytime I see an unwanted animal...dont ever let me near a kennel or shelter because I will LEAVE with an animal!!!! I am the crazy cat lady (just feel the laws of social norms keeping me in check-LOL) oh and the fact that I am, as the doctor said, "highly allergic to cats" LOL!!!!
5. I met Kidrock in person at his concert (and got a pic taken with him) here in Pgh years ago and I have been in love with him every since!!! He is the sweetest guy ever - seriously not at like you would expect!! LOVE LOVE LOVE him!!!!!! Annnnddd - here's a sweet tip - I still have his cigarette butt from when we met him, DNA!?!?!?!?!?! Kidding, but not - LOL!!!
6. I have not had a drink or drug (mood or mind altering) for over 13 years!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Life is sooooo much better when you can FEEL it!!
7. I have been a computer support tech for the past 20 years of my life and just recently started into a new phase of my career to become a Six Sigma Analyst - LOVE LOVE LOVE to learn new things and I love my job and love my boss and love my company!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!
In the words of Selina: If there's anyone left who hasn't done it and wants to - I TAG YOU!!!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Hibernation Over - New Year!!!!!!!!
It has been soooooo long since I posted! Although I cannot tell a lie - I have not posted but I have kept up reading your posts...just nothing to say over the holidays I guess. I do hope everyone had a happy and blessed Christmas and New Year!!!!
I can't believe after all the prep and hype the holidays are all over!!!!
WOW!!! Today I am back to work in the office and it is a killer! It is soooo hard to get your head back into the "game" after a wonderful and much needed break!
It has been snowing like crazy here in PA and I, for one, have now had enough!
I dread having to put on my snow boots and go start the car and clean off the snow and ice from the night before and then drive into work behind people that ride their breaks in the snow and ice...what is that about....makes me crazy!!??!???
I did the routine above this morning at 6AM and do you know what I found out??!?!? A new snow and ice scraper can make all the difference. Yes, it was still cold and yes, I still do not enjoy the wet, cold, snow but WOW I love my new scraper!!! This is not a paid endorsement (believe you - no one would pay me to endorse anything) LOL!!! But this thing is the greatest - I almost did not get it because I thought it was too big and clunky but it is great!!! If you live with snow - do yourself a favor and get this scraper!!!!!!!! I foudn mine at Home Depot for ten bucks!!
It telescopes to long length to clean off the entire top of your car from one side.
The brush moves to horizontal position and clicks in place so you are pushing snow instead of brushing it sideways.
Other than snow - nothing new and exciting. Waliacha still has not worked (cant work in the snow on roofs), work is getting busy and crazy (God knows I love it though-keeps me sane), kittens are fine, diet is finally back on track (too many treats and carbs over ther holidays) and trying to stay upbeat and hopeful about the new year even though a little sad (post-holiday blues syndrome)...Talk to you all soon!!!!!
ICU Nurse it is
Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...
Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day so far!!! Today is going to be a very random life post! HA! I made a purchase l...
Hi everyone!!!! I have to take care of a few shout outs before I get down to the weekend recap!! First...thank you to Julie for m...
Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...