Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Anyway, it is a little easier today than it was yesterday and tomorrow will be even easier.
I just need to remember that everything happens for a reason and Walt was not the person for me....and the lesson I have learned is when there is an issue at the very beginning GET OUT then and it will be easier than having to get out months later. I should have waked away after that first month....oh well, again...LESSON LEARNED...
Please Please Please will all hot and available men line up and I will be with you shortly.....
:-)Love, Ann
Friday, December 19, 2008
It's official....Wallyacha is gone....
I will be fine...just feels a little sucky right now.....lesson learned is, listen to your heart...if you have to work wayyyyyyyyyy harder than the other just isn't worth it.......
So, looking for a new fish!!!
Or maybe just swim in my own school alone for a while!!!
This too shall pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....I'll keep ya posted............
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My 100 Loves
3.Walt cats
5.pretzel chips
6.laughing cow cheese
9.bare feet
10.sausage balls
12.abandoned buildings
13.vacation days
16.tanning beds
18.hermit crabs peppers
21.double-bubble sugarfree gum
23.sand/the beach
27.baggy sweatpants
31.spiro the dragon cheese
40.reindeer ears
41.easter egg hunts
42.scavenger hunts
43.spinich dip
44.guitar hero
46.brick walls
47.rock climbing
49.fortune cookies
50.angelfood cake
54.big pens
55.nature hikes
56.old corvettes
57.home depot
58.chocolate whipped cream
59.turkey friends
61.old friends
62.flee markets
63.craft shows
67.anise slippers
69.butter and sugar sandwiches
70.fresh herbs
72.Friends of Bill
77.movies that make me cry
78.cold side of the pillow
79.hearing my nieces and nephews voices ipod shuffle
82.the green M&M girl
84.weddings divorce
86. a clean car
87.a fan when i am sleeping
88.Lake Mohawk
90.Chicken Tortilla Soup
91.Having my hair brushed
94.sled riding
95.helping others
98.Bethel Bakery cake
99.Lemon heads candy
Friday, December 12, 2008
Gingerbread House

What a fun night!!! We finished our first annual Holiday gingerbread house!!! I usually make the kids do one of these with me but since everyone is older now and involved in cookie baking at Thanksgiving, I made Walt do it instead. It was soooo fun! Above is our before and below is the after. PS - Kudos to mom as her cake decorating skills I observed while growing up came in handy here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homemade holiday treats
Recipe is...
3 3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cup karo light syrup
1 cup water
food coloring
Lorraine oil flavoring
2 greased cookie sheets
powdered sugar
Stir together all the above until the sugar melts and then bring to a slow boil while stirring. Insert candy thermometer and boil until temperature is 250 degrees...add food coloring without stirring (the boiling will mix the color in). Continue to boil and when it reaches 300 degrees remove from heat and stir in Lorraine oil flavoring.
Spread half on each greased cookie sheet and as it cools, score candy and break into pieces. Drop pieces into powered sugar to coat - this keeps the candy from sticking together.
Here is just a little example of what I made...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
12 Years!!! 12/9/96 Go God!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Card Pic - WOW! What a fiasco!!!
It took two days and a whole lot of scratches to get the annual kitten picture to put in the Christmas card this year!
Last year mom and I tried and were only able to get them all together so I had to photo shop the Santa hats on the cats heads.
This year, with Walt's assistance and blood (Kidrock scratched the crap out of him), I was able to get an amazingly cute pic that has everyone!!!!!! No photo-shopping necessary!!!! Walt is holding Kidrock and I have Lucky and Angelica. The only issue this year was that I did no electronic preparation so when the time came to get the picture quick - my camera timer would not work. After reading the instruction manual, we were able to get a great pic then next night. You will get to see this work of art if you are lucky enough to get a Christmas card - LOL.....
Also, see this pic below...not sure if it is serious or a joke........verrrrrry interesting - LOL!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Love the Holidays!!
Matt and Dan went hunting for deer - I have not gotten a report yet but as soon as I hear if they got one I will post it...ickky ickky but they enjoy it and from what I hear it needs to happen.
Wally was sick all weekend - I felt bad. Of course, I initially thought he was faking it (stage fright with having to spend the entire weekend with people he had not met yet) but I have come to decide that the poor man really was soooooo sick....I think he ate for the first time in four days last night. I am soooooooo glad he is feeling better!
Oh, and I officially joined my new gym and I am more motivated than before to get hotter if that is even possible (meaning if it is possible that I could be more motivated not that I could be more hot-that is not possible, ha ha). I will let you know, but sooo far I am loving my new gym Complete Fitness after one days workout!
Have a great Tuesday!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
X-Mas Tree Found!!
Also, I have found a new gym. Anyone that knows me, knows I love my is a little hole in the wall where everyone spits on the floor and stares at themselves in the mirror.....the problem is when the hole in the wall gym raises its prices to cost the same as a "real" gym, I gotta go to the real gym!! LOL My membership expires at the end of the year so this weekend I tried a few different gyms to decide where to go. LA Fitness was horrid!!!!!! I felt completely screwed-over when I left was that high pressure sales and just awful!!! I would not go to their gym if THEY paid for my membership!! However, after I had given up hope that there was goodness left in the world I used a trial workout pass at Complete Fitness and I am hooked. I can't wait till the end of the year when I can switch!!!! If you live in Bridgeville, completely bypass even looking at LA Fitness or at least RUN FAST AND FAR when they start leading you to the section to the left of the front door where the negotiate their price (and tell you that today ONLY they will waive the 150 dollar initiation fee-that is the crock they use to get you to sign today) is the WORST FEELING in the world......Check out what this poor girl went through there ICKKY
and come down to Complete Fitness - they are soooooo nice and everyone was great!!!!
Oh, and PS, we did not get to ride horses last Saturday as it seems Rolling Hills Ranch has closed for the season.....oh, well better luck next year!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Almost Friday!
Wally is back in the picture - we had a good discussion and I guess no matter what you do or how well you know each other - quarrels will happen - and the silent treatment is getting shorter and shorter so that is progress. And - although I like to believe that I am - I am NOT perfect either and Walt really is one of the greatest men I have met to date with wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more positives than anything!!!
Plans are to go horseback riding this weekend with Jamie (I will be using my gift certificate from April). I am soooo excited. We will be going to Rolling Hills Ranch in S. Hills. I have only gone a few times but it is always fun. I just have to be sure to ask for the horse named Glue....I do not have any ambition at all to go for a ride on Lightening or Wind - LOL!!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Boys Stink!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008
Happy Birthday to Aunt Marti a day late!!!!!!
Grateful for Dads.....

For example - my father teaching us to drive a stick-shift car and making us take our driving tests in a manual car. To this day, so many people are amazed that I can drive one and I know that I will not purchase a car that is not manual.
Also - my father being the handyman that he was; growing up I got top watch him fix everything from our cars to the toaster and TV. This mindset has followed me through life and I am soo grateful for that.
An example is that I have been having issues with a warning light in my car. I have a Chevy Cavalier and first I googled the error light and tried to replace my DRL fuse. This did not resolve the issue. Then, over the weekend someone told me I had a padiddle (paddidle itself brought back A TON of memories from high school, etc.) however I knew what I had to do.
I went to the auto store and looked up my car and year and found and purchased a new front headlamp. Then I got out my handy-dandy instruction manual for the Cavalier and following the steps in the manual changed my headlight!!!!! It was sooooooo fun - my mailman thought I had no clue but I sure showed him. And best of all - they both work now!!!!!!! Now I am trying to decide if I should "pimp my ride" using the really bright lights since I now know how to do it. LOL
Anyway, shout out to dads of the world making their little girls learn important life skills!!!!! Thanks Dad for the confidence and skills to try to fix anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
TGIF! WOW! Long time no post...
I am back to feeling great today - thank goodness!!!
I was just discussing Christmas with my little sister and we have this family tradition where we all pick a name out of a hat and just buy for just that one person.
Well, she brought up the kids (her kids, my little nieces and nephew) and said "don't buy anything for them this year - they don't need anything". This started the discussion about when we were kids and my mom would tell Grandma and Aunts not to buy for us cause "they don't need anything" and we would be incredulous! What is she saying that for - LOL - of course we need things - LOL!!!!
So that ended that discussion right away - I said "see, now you sound like Mom" :-)

Oh and on a more important note - in case you are not aware - today is NATIONAL PICKLE DAY!!!! so enjoy for me!!!! I am guessing someone from a pickle company invented this holiday - not sure - but, hey - what a great celebration it could be!!! BTW - :Once you are a pickle, you can never again be a cucumber"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
A report and pics from the weekend at Mom and Dad's

And last but not least....Susie sent me pics from Halloween of the kids. Kyleigh was supposed to be BigBird but got defaulted to Penn State cheerleader when she would not go near BigBird's head. Ali and Ryan are a ladybug and tiger follow...have a great Thursday.

Wally's lead....

This weekend Dad and Walt finally put the rocks back on the wall that Dad had fixed last looked great when they were done.....

Friday, October 31, 2008
1 Year Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Anniversary Walt/Wally/Walliacha!!!
I am soo proud and happy for you!!!
You and the "Big Man above" should be so proud!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Halloween at Hunting Ridge
You be the judge!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Halloween Decorating in Harrisburg
You gotta love it, hugh?
The next two are the ones that the kids and I did tpogether in Harrisburg...Jessica did the spider in the web...Matt did the skull...Jessica's friend Logan did the smiley face....and I did the cat (suprise hugh?)
Oh my, and the best part of this post....first let my start by saying "I remember when Jordan was just born" cut to present day where Jordan is WORKING - yes WORKING!!!! Up early EVERY Saturday morning and answering phones for the car dealership....check her out - I AM SOOOOOOOO PROUD!!!! WOO HOO! Ain't she just soooooooooooooo cute! I got to go pick her up at work Saturday afternoon...WOW I am getting old!
Gotta get to the Hope meeting now....TTYL (I am getting good, hugh girls?)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Meet Bridget Donna
My best friend all through high school, Subie, had a baby girl on HER birthday (what a great 40th b-day present, hugh?) ...
Congrats Susan, Jim and Nicholas on the new addition to your family - is she amazingly adorable or what?!?!?!?!?!??!?? Big brother Nicholas is holding her in the pic below......

Hi again - It's Friday y'all!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
WOW! What an economy!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008
Non-Guilty Chocolate Cookie Drops
great fat free recipe for some NON-GUILTY chocolate!
Mix together...
1 box fat-free brownie mix
2 1/2 cups wheat germ (found in the cereal aisle)
1 cup low calorie OJ
After well mixed, drop 1 T size cookies onto a cookie tray and bake each tray at 350 degrees for 10 - 12 min.
Each one is only around 25 calories with tons of can eat 2 for 1 point on weight watchers - gooooooood deal!!!!!!!
They are DELICIOUS even though they look like meatballs (this is what my boyfriend Walt calls them) My entire family is hooked on them!
Woo Hoo It's Friday
Does anyone else think that women are sooooooo much more reliable than men - I had this discussion with my sister this AM and it just seems that women do what they say they are going to do/when they say they are going to do it. That's all I am looking for......ha ha!
Apparently my little brother Matt has been ripping on my finish time for the Great Race so we have cordially invited him to "smoke" our times by running the Turkey Trot with us over Thanksgiving...we will see what happens!

Tonight, one of my favorite girlfriends Erin will be giving her lead at my homegroup Beth Clair so anyone who knows what I am talking about should come - it will be a great one - I PROMISE!
I will be heading up the parents house this weekend (without "the man" as he has "to work") so I will get some good lake pics to post of my fun weekend.
Reporting in with love...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
New to Blogging
Only partly kidding...I just quit smoking a year ago, started exercising, lost over 50 pounds and starting dating someone new.
Things are"A-Changin"!!! Anyway, a friend of my sister's has a blog for her family (recently gave birth to quads) and after reading hers realized what a great way it is to keep track of progress and growth in our lives. Not to mention post pics and share with family and friends. So, hopefully this is just one of the MANY posts soon to come!
I ran the Great Race in Pittsburgh (10K) last Sunday with my mom Janet, sister Kerry and niece Jessica. We all finished. Out of the four of us; Jessica was first with 1:04:12/Kerry second with 1:11:51/mom third with 1:12:04/and me bringing up the rear with 1:14:02. However, just a year ago I had been smoking for 20 years so I am quite proud just to have made it across the finish vertical!!!! I will post pics as soon as I have them.
ICU Nurse it is
Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day so far!!! Today is going to be a very random life post! HA! I made a purchase l...
Good morning everyone! This morning came and I did not want to leave my bed! UGH! I am SO tired but it was worth it every second to hang w...
Hi everyone!!!! I have to take care of a few shout outs before I get down to the weekend recap!! First...thank you to Julie for m...