Happy Wednesday!!!
I am joining with Terri for her Wednesday Medley! If you want to join in; stop by her blog HERE.
NATIONAL ROAD TRIP DAY – Friday Before Memorial Day

1. Have you ever done a spur-of-the-moment road trip? I love road trips! I don't really have time to take spur-of-the-moment road trips now since I travel to see family every weekend. Maybe; I take road trips every weekend! HA! I travel to Columbus, Harrisburg or Malvern just about every weekend!
2. If time and money wasn't an issue, what roads would you choose to travel and how long would you be gone? Oh wow! I would get an RV and drive along every coast possible! My dream is live in an RV and just go from beach to beach until I hit the entire continent and then do the same on other continents!!!
3. When you go on a long road trip, what
snacks and beverages do you take? Do you pack a picnic? Does the back
seat turn into a nest? I am a big fruit person! I also love cut up veggies - this stops me from buying crap snacks when I stop for gas! I really need to drop this extra weight!
4. Please tell us about something interesting or strange you have seen on the side of the road. I saw a bear! A BIG bear! Just laying by the roadside in the grass...kind of weird and kind of scary! I did not stop because I was afraid he may just be sleeping and that would not have ended well. The picture below is not mine but it gives you the idea...
5. Who does the driving when you head out in the car? There is only me so unless I were to take the time to teach one of the cats to drive; I am the driver all the time! HA! Do
you stop in the rest areas along our Interstate highways when you have
to use the facilities, or do you choose a fast-food restaurant or gas
station instead? I have special gas stations that I stop at. I know where the cheapest gas is and where the cleanest potties are! One of the bonuses to traveling the same routes over and over! HA!
6. Please share something with us about your week so far. I am over this week and so ready for the weekend!!!! This is my birthday week - my birthday is three days away! Yippee! Yes, I was born on May 25th so we celebrate my birthday every year with a holiday - yes, apparently I am that special! :-)