Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Monday, September 30, 2013
1. Meat and potatoes or pasta? Definitely pasta!!
2. Do you prefer Apple or Android? Apple; although I have never tried Android...hee!
3. Do you kiss and tell, or do you keep it private? Everything is private unless otherwise notified - another hee hee.
4. If you had to choose one, would you choose Facebook or Twitter? Facebook! I have twitter but I think I only tweet once a month. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my facebook!
5. Christmas or Valentine’s Day? Christmas! I enjoy decorating so much for either but get frustrated that I NEVER have a valentine for Valentine's Day!
6. If you joined a band, would you prefer to do vocals or play an instrument? Neither, ever! I cannot sing and I definitely cannot play an instrument - trust me, I have tried both and others ran away.
7. Hot weather or cold weather? HOT is always better! Love summer and everything that comes with it!
8. Calorie counting or tracking points? I have done both - right now I am counting calories as I am using my BodyMedia tracker. I have no real preference.
9. Yoga or kickboxing? Definitely kickboxing. I have a lot of stress to relieve and although others have said that yoga does that - it does not relieve anything for me! I just get more stressed trying to stay still.....I am not good at stationary activity!
10. East Coast or West Coast? East. I've lived on the East Coast my whole life and never been to the West Coast so I guess I am biased....
Hurry and answer and link up! Cant wait to go read everyone else's answers!
Serious Weight Loss!!
I am soooooooooo done with this rollercoaster weight loss! Lose 5 then gain two; lose 10 then gain 12...what?!?!?!
I am READY to lose the weight once and for all.
Today is the starting again point and THIS IS IT!
I have my calendar set to go...I weighed myself this am and I plan to do this every morning and write it down!!!
I already started logging my food...every BITE!!! No cheats...if I have a great loss and then reward myself with a pedi or a mani - NOT food!!!
I am charging my Body Media and strapping it back on! Cannot wait to see who I can become when I get serious!! I am single now for goodness sake!! HA HA
I am working out too hard to keep this cheating crap up!!!
Time to get fit and stay fit!
Keep me accountable!!!!!!
Sunday Run Day
On Sunday was the event that my family all came back to town for....The Great Race in Pittsburgh!!!
This is my sisters and mother and I getting ready to race! We all registered for the 10K!
This is the view of all the people behind us waiting to start...
And this was the view to start many people this year!! We did the 10K and they said 5,000 registered for the 5K and 10,000 for the 10K...or something like that ha!
At about halfway was the smiley cookie - the mascot from Eat n Park restaurants....I had to stop and pose!! I ended up walking with my sister as she had not run anytime recently and I figured I would keep her company so we had an awesome walk through the streets of Pittsburgh!!!Whoop!
This is us with about two and a half miles to go!! Still smiling!!!
This is the view coming down the homestretch into the city...I think we had about a mile and a half at this is soo fun to run on the streets of Pittsburgh!! I am sooo excited to get registered for the marathon next year!!!
This is our whole group at the end of the race!! Smiley cookies for all!!! If you have ever been to Pittsburgh then you know Eat n Park restaurants and they have smiley cookies!! Love them!
Then we walked over to the point in Pittsburgh where the giant ducky is being held captive. It is soo stinking cute!!! (The point is where the three rivers that flow through Pittsburgh come together.) You can read more about the ducky HERE. It was pretty awesome to see a forty foot high duck!
After the race everyone came back to my condo and had chili. It was a great weekend filled with fun and chaos!! This is all my little nieces and nephews playing together in the papsan chair!
And then we had cake from Bethel Bakery (a family favorite for sweets) and sang Happy Birthday to my awesome Dad!!!
It was a pretty amazing weekend!! Hope you all had great ones too!!!!!!
Soooo much fun with all the festivities for Fall!! Mom, Dad, oldest sister and I met up with my little brother's family there.
This is my oldest sister pushing around the goods!
And here is my niece climbing up the stairs on the right the slide down the inflatable slide!
We also hung out at the petting zoo and that was hillarious!!!
We then met up with my little sister's family too and all went to Buca De Beppa for dinner! YUMMO!!! Always amazing food there!!! This is my nephew on the way in the car wearing his homemade mask!! He told me his name is creepy biscuit when he has this on. HA HA - no clue where he came up with that name!
This is my youngest sister getting her much needed drink at the restaurant - just kidding. This was totally staged for Facebook!
This little girl clung to my sister all night! Normally she is my little cling-on but this night Aunt Kerry scored and she hung on her all night!!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Weekend :-)
No games, no dates, no fun :-(
Work, work, work, Yuck!, Yuck!, Yuck!
But that is all about to change!!!
I am going to hang with my amazing family this weekend!!
Who needs a man?!?!?!? Not me!!!!!
My sister is coming in from Harrisburg this afternoon and then tomorrow morning my Mom and Dad will be coming to Pittsburgh from Ohio.
They will all stay with me in my little condo.
Then, my brother and his family will be coming as well as my sister and her family - they will be staying at friends and relatives houses as I do not have enough room in mine :-(
Tomorrow we will be going to a pumpkin festival and outlet shopping and then on Sunday we will be running the Great Race 10K in Pittsburgh so I will definitely have awesome posts this weekend at least....please don't give up on me - hee hee!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Thanks Honey Boo Boo
Then I went to my favorite place on the planet in the Winter and Fall! Trax Farms!! In the fall - their pumpkins and apples are the best and they make this homemade apple caramel dip that is to DIE for!!! I love me some Jonagold apples!!! I wanted one so bad I could not wait to eat one until I got home - I broke this out in the car!
I hope you all are having a happy weekend!!! I am making the very best of mine...thanks for all the support and love from Bloggy Land.
You guys rock!!!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
The Final Break Up
Last night it finally happened....
The night I have been waiting for...
The "latest loser boyfriend" and I have broken up.
I knew it was coming sooner than later and now, suprisingly, I am a little bummed and miss knowing that someone out there loves me but I am also kind of okay with it.
For those that dont know my history, I am recently out of a very one sided relationship. Waliacha moved in with me and then basically quit his job and started using drugs and it took me three years to get him out of my home and my life. So, now I am very guarded and have A LOT of bounderies.
I told the new man right up front that I had these bounderies and he was fine with it all at first. Then gradually he was pushing for more. I think he thought if he kept pushing then little by little I would give in. First problem, stop dating men that live with roomates as they are only looking for a roof. Anyway, I held my ground and he finally realized that I was serious about my bounderies.
When I went on my beach vacation, he thought I should leave him my key so he could come in and use my house and shower when I was gone (he and his roomates water was shut off at the time because the roomate did not pay the bill). I did not feel comfortable with that. So, he brings it up whenever possible that I did not even let him brush his teeth here....stupid stupid stupid!
I told him that the only way we would live together was in his home and that I was willing to wait for him to put his life together for that...however, I think he has finally realized that it is easier to cut and run and find a woman willing to let him move in with her.
Of well, single again...
FIrst questions for the new man will be...
1. Do you have a home?
2. Do you have a postivie bank account?
3. Is you car inspection up to date?
4. Are creditors calling you daily?
5. Are you passive agressive or do you have communication skills?
Is that too much to ask!?!???! PROBABLY, so maybe it is just simplier to stay single. HEE HEE...
Soooooo, I am spending my day cheering myself up with a little Honey Boo Boo!!! I have about 15 episodes to watch...yippee!!!
Friday, September 20, 2013
5 on Friday
It's Five on Friday time, YEEEEAAAAAH! I hope you'll join me along with Liz, Darci, Natasha, and Christina ... playing along is simple. Just write a blog about five things on your mind today, anything goes really, post the logo below on your blog, and then enter your post address in the link-up section on Liz's blog.
Here goes..
ONE: Today is payday which is always a great day!!! Only problem is that as soon as it comes in, it goes out :-(
FIVE: I have a big opportunity here at work on Monday! I am really excited to see what is a huge opportunity that involves global training in Germany. Depending on what they are offering; could be a huge opportunity! Fingers crossed!!!! I will keep ya posted!!
Hope everyone has an amazing weekend - and, don't forget National Sleep in Day tomorrow!!
My Fun Week
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Exercise? NEVER!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Weekend Wrap-Up
Friday night consisted of going to see my boyfriend's son play on his HS Football team. He plays for the Canon-MacMillan Big Macs. Their mascot is a strange looking man in a kilt (honestly kinda scary) and I think it should be a Big Mac itself!!! Wayyyyy better!!! (I tried to google a picture to show you how awful this thing really is and could not find a single image so next game I am going to get Jimmy to pose with him for a pic so you can see how awful this thing really is! - Seriously, not exaggerating!)
His son is number 67...he was right in front of 69 and then when I snapped the picture below 69 moved behind him and blocked my picture....but, here is his team HA HA.
They unfortunately lost bad - it was like 56 to 0 final score....but they put him in the game at then end and he got four tackles in a row! His dad's face was priceless when he heard the last name on the speaker over and over!!! Sooooo cute! He was a very proud dad!!
ICU Nurse it is
Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day so far!!! Today is going to be a very random life post! HA! I made a purchase l...
Good morning everyone! This morning came and I did not want to leave my bed! UGH! I am SO tired but it was worth it every second to hang w...
Hi everyone!!!! I have to take care of a few shout outs before I get down to the weekend recap!! First...thank you to Julie for m...