Looking back...
Hello everyone!! Today I will be joining Annie for her Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. I am so happy to be joining in for the first time ever! Annie’s friend Toni started this and she continues it weekly in here memory! I am grateful to be able to join in!!
1. What music were your parents listening to when you were a kid? When I was a kid my Dad listened mostly to country. That was 60’s and 70’s so there was a lot of Dolly Parton, Oak Ridge Boys, George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Roger Miller, etc. Let’s say old country. Does that music bring back memories for you? It absolutely does…I still know all the words to all the songs.

2. What was your favorite meal and beverage as a teenager? As a teenager I loved a Big Mac!!! We didn’t really get to eat out a lot so it was a special treat when we got to go to McDonald’s for dinner. I was always so excited when I could get a Big Mac and Coke. Is it still or have things changed for you? It is definitely not the same now! I actually had a big Mac about three weeks ago and it was awful. I don’t think I remember it that much better than it was so Big Mac’s have changed. I remember them being delicious and it really and truly was not delicious. Anyone else notice this or is it just me??? I guess the good part is that I will not ever get another Big Mac again. LOL

3. As a teen did you live in a city, country, small town? I lived in a suburb of Pittsburgh called Bethel Park. I could not have picked a better hometown to grow up. I have a lot of hometown pride still to this day. I love my Bethel Park Blackhawks and I love the town itself. I still live nearby in adjacent town called Bridgeville. I was a majorette in the band and loved every second of it. This picture recently came up on my Facebook: it is of our majorette squad in 1985. We were performing for something the school organized called Telerama. I am the one in the back row alone…lol!
4. Would you like to live in your hometown today? I think I loved it so much growing up there if I had children, I would definitely still be living there!!
Thanks again Annie for hosting!!! This was so much fun and I hope to be joining in each week!!! Can’t wait to make some new friends!!!!
Hugs to everyone! Have a great week!!!