Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Wednesday's Hodgepodge - Volume 356

Again, this week I am joining Joyce at From This Side of the Pond for Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 356
If you want to join in...copy and paste the questions, answer them for yourself and link your answers back to Joyce's page!  Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Bring it on...

1. Summer is upon us this week in the Northern hemisphere. Tell us three things on your summer bucket list.
  1.  Go to the Carribbean
  2. Eat a snow cone-I really LOVE a good snow cone!
  3. Enjoy as much time with my family as possible now that I am not traveling
 2. Something fun you used to do as a kid in the summertime?
We always played outside ALL DAY!!! We all looked forward to it so much. We ran around the neighborhood woods and build forts and played tag and rolled down hills. We would stay out until the street lights came on-that was our signal to go home! I feel like kids today really miss out on this kind of carefree fun in todays world where so many people are looking to harm others.
3. Rootop or backyard? Why?
Backyard! Love roaming the woods and yards in my - could not get to the roof on our house - LOL!
4. Do you read food labels? Place importance on them? Make an effort to find out/care about where your food comes from?
I do not. My brother does and to such an extreme that it makes me crazy and finally I say "I don't care". I am sick of hearing how many things are bad for me!!!  "Aspartame is bad for you", "Greek yogurt is bad for you", "people were not supposed to eat cow milk". I am not living on veggies alone so I just don't really care. I have decided that everything is sort of okay in moderation!
5. A song you'll have on repeat this summer?
Flyin' High and Summertime by Kidrock!!  ahhhhh...they both make me think of summer!!
Oh, and also, Toes by the Zac Brown Band! Now that song will take you right to the beach wherever you are!
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I went on a bee experience yesterday at lunchtime for work...I can't wait to tell you all about it!


  1. Well, your summer as a kid sounds very similar to mine. I am curious about your bee experience.

    1. Hi Nonnie! I am just typing up the post! It was so fun! Cant wait to tell everyone about it! Coming tomorrow!!

  2. Enjoy your visit to the Carribbean and thank you for the follow.

    1. Thanks Michelle!!!! And thanks for coming by and commenting! I have already met so many great bloggers from HodgePodge!

  3. Hope you get to do your bucket list. Your right, we played outside all day long. Our mom didn't even know where we were!

    1. Hi Debby!!! Those were the days! Thanks for the kind words!! Have a great rest of the week!

  4. Toes is a perfect song choice. It was on my playlist when we took our aCaribbean cruise two years ago

    1. One of my all-time favs!!! I am jealous of your Caribbean Cruise! I was on one more than 30 years ago when I was young!!! That sounds perfect right about now!

  5. How wonderful that you are planning a trip to the Caribbean! Yes, your childhood summers sound a lot like mine did. Happy Wednesday!

    1. Happy Wednesday Debby!!!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :-)

  6. Your childhood summers sound very similar to mine as well. We were outdoors all day long on nice days -- rambling around the farm, picking wild strawberries, riding bikes, playing ball if we could round up enough kids, exploring the woods, having picnics -- it was all perfectly safe back then.

    1. I miss those times so very much!!! Feels a little sad that kids today are missing out of those safe adventure feelings!!!

  7. Looking forward to reading about the bee experiment. I hope you get lots of time with your family. I'm following you now too. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for following and commenting!!! I will be posting about the bee experience was really an awesome experience!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks for stopping by and so enjoyed reading your answers. It's always nice to meet a new blogger.

    1. Thanks for hosting!!!! So excited to find your blog!

  10. Your profile says you have a passionate love for Pittsburgh sports' teams. Do you live in Pittsburgh? I grew up there. Lived there until I was 15. My family had been there for many generations. And I was a huge Pirates fan. As well as a Steelers fan in their dynasty years.

    We played outside until the streetlights came on too. That was our signal that it was time to come in. As I said in my Hodgepodge, I feel my growing-up years were kind of magical. There was a sense of innocence and fun that kids today don't get to have.

    I never heard Greek yogurt was bad for you. Things change daily, don't they? Not long ago, eggs were bad for you. Now they're not. We just have to eat according to our own conviction and not allow other people to make us feel guilty for what we are eating. Well, I guess if I ate an entire dozen donuts, it WOULD be okay for someone to tell me I had OD'd on sugar. But an entire dozen donuts wouldn't be moderation, would it?

    Anyhow, thanks for stopping by my Hodgepodge.

    Have a great week,

    1. Hi Patti! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! Yes, I am a Pittsburgh girl. I am in the South Hills - if you were raised here then you know we don't cross the rivers! LOL! I have lived here my whole life and I love all my sports team - die hard Steelers, Penguins and Pirates fan!!
      Where did you move to? Do you love it there? I am not sure I will ever leave Pittsburgh - it is so comfortable for me after being here for 50+ years!
      It is weird to think how something is okay one day and then bad for you the next - I will be happy to join you for a box of donuts anytime though!!!
      I cant wait to learn more about you! Have a great week!

    2. Ann, I am a South Hills girl too. I was raised in Pleasant Hills. My mom's parents hailed from the Carrick area (had been there for generations), and my dad's family had been a many-generations McKeesport family. Both families moved to Pleasant Hills in the 1940's, and that is where my parents lived after getting married. When I was 15, my parents decided to move out West, so I haven't lived in Pittsburgh for 4 decades now.

    3. WOW! Small world!!! I am so happy to have met you!!!

  11. Snow cones are the best, aren't they? I love them, too. We played outside all day long during the summer, too. There was a big grassy hill nearby and we took cardboard and used it as summer sleds to go down that hill. It was glorious. I think what they call free range parenting now is what we called childhood. LOL

    1. Hi Empty nester! Yes, childhood used to be so amazing! Maybe it is not as awful now as It seems to those of us that had such "free" experiences but it sure seems that way :-)

  12. Well, I knew I liked you when you commented on my blog that you liked All Summer Long, but now I find out you're adding the Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins and I know we're cut from the same cloth. I'm not a Pittsburgh girl, but close....I call Latrobe home. I did, however, spend my day on the Southside as that's where my husband's surgery took place. It's no wonder our childhood summers sound so similar. And Toes is a great second choice!

    1. Oh wow! Small world again!!! I love the Southside!!! I hope all goes well with your husbands recovery! It seems like we have really great hospitals here too! So happy to have met you!!! Latrobe is close enough to be a Pittsburgh girl too though!! :-)

  13. Greetings from NH. Snow cones are a wonderful treat. Cherry is my favorite. I am so with you on the food thing. The so called experts tell us that one thing is bad for us then a few years later they say that it's now good for us. This has happened with several foods. So I agree, everything in moderation is fine. Thanks for visiting my blog page and for leaving a comment.

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!! And thanks for seconding my moderation I just have to get myself to stop at "moderation" - HA HA

  14. Ha I had to look up snow cone to make sure I knew what it was - not a term I'm familiar with living in the UK. So not something I've had either. I prefer ice-cream, especially a chocolate coated ice-cream lolly. Your bucket list sounds good. Hope you get to complete it. Thanks for your visit.

  15. I've been listening to a lot of cold case type podcasts. I'm convinced we had the same number of crazies back when we were kids we just didn't have social media to tell us about it.


ICU Nurse it is

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