Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Till we meet again...

Thursday, April 29, 2010
ABC's of Annster
The ABC's of Ann...
A) Are you a PC or a Mac? PC - I used a Mac years ago but after using a PC for 15+ years now I have no idea how to work on a Mac!
B) Best show currently on TV: Biggest Loser!!!!! Season after season; it just never gets old!
C) Chore you dislike: ironing dress shirts - I will NOT do it - Walt does his own or they go to the cleaners with mine!!!
D) Dogs or Cats? Cats, cats and more cats!!! Funniest thing: I have cats and love cats and just found out the I am; to quote the doctor "highly allergic to cats"!! Oh well, I'll suffer!!!!

E) Essential "Start the day" items: Coffee!!! Black please and quick!

F) Favorite Color: purple or sometimes yellow
G) Gold or Silver: silver
H) Height: 5'7"
I) Instrument you play: clarniet (played in middle school and quit because I was TERRIBLE)
J) Job: Six Sigma Analyst
K) Kids? My kittens are my children (for now...)
L) Living where? Pittsburgh, PA (home of many champions...not just our sports teams!) LOL

M) Mom's name: Janet
N) Nickname: Annster
O) Appendix removal!!!
P) Pet Peeve: Dirty mirrors
Q) Quote from a movie: I do not have a memory long enough to give you a quote....sorry....
R) Righty or Lefty? Righty
S) Siblings: Yes; 3
T) TV shows you watch: Survivor, Biggest Loser, Lost, Amazing Race
U) Underwear: everyday

Y) Yummy foods you make: Angelfood cake with pineapple and chicken crescent squares
Z) Zoo animal you like: snow leopard or any of the large cats!!!!! JUST LOVE WATCHING THEM!!!! God is amazing !!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Workin' The Boardwalk


Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Top Two Tuesday

I am playing along with Taylor for her Top Two Tuesday!!!
It's time for a wayyyyyyy fun Top Two Tuesday that I can totally relate to!!!!!!!
Only problem is how do I pick the top two?!?!?!
It is Top Two favorite things about summer!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really do love EVERYTHING about summer but my two favorite would have to be.....
Number One:
The Lake!!! The lake is Lake Mohawk and it is in Ohio...this is where my parents live and it is a frenzy of activity in the summer!!!! There is fishing, boating, swimming, skiing, jet-skiing, campfires and most importantly FAMILY!!!!
All the kids and their kids try to go up as many weekends as possible in the summer. It is only a two hour drive for me so I try to make it up every weekend!!!! Waliacha had a little taste of it this past Easter when he fished with my nephew, dad, and brother-in-law and he LOVED it!!!!!! I actually got him HIS VERY OWN fishing rod for his one year anniversary and he is sooo excited!
I cannot wait until summer is in full swing and we are back on that boat and eating smores around the campfire!!!
Number Two:
I love, love, love flowers and many people have said I am a little obsessed!!!
I will show you pics of my flowers from last year to show you how obsessed I am! I live in Pittsburgh and it is definitely not past the last freeze here but I have already planted all my flowers for the year and when we have cold nights I just bring them all in or cover the big ones. I am totally used to doing this and it is worth it to me just to get to have the flowers to look at earlier!!!
Later in the week I will post my flower pictures from the ones I just planted this past weekend - I had to get new rechargeable batteries for my camera and have not been able to get the pictures yet.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Not a minute short!!!!!!!!
Does that sound bad?!?!!??!?
I have to start out this post thanking Jen...her past a few days ago inspired me.
She had two goals: one to get 200 people to exercise for an hour on one day and the other was to complete 99 minutes on the stairclimber. Well, I gladly joined in the first one and posted to her blog that I participated (I did 30 min on the stairclimber and 30 on the treadmill).
This is a usual workout for me on days that I do not take a class...usually at least 60 mins of cardio a day.
Well, since that post I have been hanuted by "Could I (ME...ANN) complete 99 minutes on the stairclimber?"
I think not - but it was bugging the crap out of me!!!! I did 30 min many times and a few times just did my full hour of cardio on it but WOW - 30 minutes?!?!?!?
Last night after work I went to the gym late and guess what??!?!?!?! I did it!!!!!
99 minutes on the climber and pics to KINDA prove it!! PLEASE do not be scared of my sweatty pics...this is why I will NEVER have to worry about finding a stalker at the gym...people run the other way from me there!!! LOL!!!!! Scarryyyyyy!
Just like Jen said on her post....the 99 minutes completed only stays on the screen for like one second....tried to get it in the pic but ended up with calories burned and something else....
BUT, I swear I did it and the sweatty pics are here to prove it!!! Also, with a picture of the total floors climbed!
So.....like I said in the beginning...yeah me!!!!!!!! LOL

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Top 2 Tuesday

This is the Top 2 Tuesday...
list your two favorite things under $15
this changes weekly for me but here are the current ones...
1. I found this treat at Big Lots...it is Weight Watchers approved...it is sooooooooo yummy...only 1 point for FIVE CUPS.....little break from regular plain popcorn...I promise it is yummy....it retails for around $2.50 for three microwave packets however I found mine at Big Lots for $1.30 and bought a BUNCH!!!!!!!!! Try it!!
2. And this new favorite...not sure if people reading this follow my blog but I had a hair mishap a few weeks back and all of mine was chopped off.......really short now.....and this Biotin supposedly supports faster hair and nail growth!! Yeah!!! It was recommended to my by the hairstylist that fixed the cropped cut and not the one who actually cropped it!!!!!!!!!! Not sure if it is working or not but I am praying it does!!!! LOL!!! It was only around $12.oo

Hapy Tuesday all!!!!!!!! Thanks for letting me play!!!!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Weekend Recap
I did nothing urgent this weekend although I did a lot of cleaning!!
It was sooooooooooo nice to get the spring cleaning in full swing - I love love love a clean home!!!
It just smells soooooooooooo good now!!!
Here is a pic recap of what my doing nothing weekend looked like.
Below is Waliacha looking really proud and cute (I must say). This is Lucky my 16 year old cat that hates everyone!!! She has apparently now grown fonder of Waliacha than me....he is her new buddy and she now chooses to lay on him and not me :-(
Oh well, it is nice that SOMEONE likes him more than me!!! LOL
Another picture of the new buddies.......
And another....
Here is a picture of my WAY healthy banana nut wheat muffins....
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup wheat germ
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 cups mashed bananas
1/4 cup applesause
1/2 cup honey
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup smashed soy nuts
Grease a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (175 degrees C).
Combine oil, honey, eggs, vanilla, and mashed bananas in a bowl.
In a large bowl, whisk together flour, wheat germ, salt, and baking soda. Make a well in dry ingredients, and add the banana mixture. Mix together until dry ingredients are moistened. Stir in nuts. Pour batter into prepared pan.
Bake 1 hour in preheated oven. Test for doneness, and cool on wire rack.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Yeah it is Friday!!!!!!!
Here is an example of what they look like...

Happy Weekend all!!!!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Annnnnnnnd nothing...
I am stuck at work and it is sooooooo beautiful outside...like 84 degrees here in Pittsburgh, PA!!!
Tonight is date night so we will be walking the path (Waliacha and I) and then sitting on the porch and chillin'.
Sounds like fun to me!!!! Yeah!
Anyway - I will leave you with my favorite picture (as of lately) of my twin niece and nephew. When my sister was pregnant, everyone twin that approached her said "whatever you do, do NOT dress them alike!!!" Anyway, she never has and instead we switch their clothes for fun (well, I did) and I love this picture of Ryan and Alyssa!!!!! As if this is better than being dressed alike - LOL HA!
Happy Thursday All Y'all!!!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Happy Monday!!!!
What a fast weekend!!!! It just flew by (although they all do really - HA)!
After being a hold out for many years, I finally caved on Saturday and we had real cable installed at the condo!!!! I just think it is such a waste to have all those hundreds of channels when you can only watch one at a time and also, to be honest, I am pretty cheap! My cable bill will now cost more a month than does my cellular, gas, electric, or car insurance...something is wrong there?!?!
Oh well, now I can watch Food Network and TLC...yeah!!!!!!!

Also, this weekend I was kinda bad. I had a service committment on Sunday morning (Officers and Coordinators Mtg) and just did not feel like going (we have like twelve of these a year).
I sent an email to a member to let them know that I would not be there but I feel soooooo guilty. Oh well, I sooooo needed a break from the politics and bickering. And, Lord knows, I am not important enough that my absence had an effect on the mtg...I hope !!! Also, I keep reminding myself that I did not make up a big lie to not go - I just said I would not be there - and to me, that is progress (no imaginary deaths, fights, crises, etc.)
Let's all have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
And I bought it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to Big Lots yesterday to buy microwave popcorn.
They are the only ones that sell the Caramel Apple Jolly Time that is one point in Weight Watchers!
So, once I entered I saw this!!!!

Then I fell in love and bought it!!!
The fell in love and bought it part came after about five hours of "Do I really need it?", a few drives back and forth from the store and hours later.....BOUGHT IT!!!!!!!!!!
Waliacha and our good friend Joe and taking Joe's truck and picking it up today!!!
I cannot wait to see it...
I am going to work from home this PM as I cannot wait to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW: I justified this purchase as.....
1. It was 70% off the retail price (seriously, I saved like over $1,000 dollars)
2. I have wanted one for a REALLY long time
3. It will make soooooo much space available in out litle condo kitchen
4. I got a "little" bonus at work this year
5. I never buy myself anything (anything big and pricy that is)
6. I am good enough, smart enough and dog-gonnit I deserve it!!!
Good enough for the justification!?!?!?!? HA HA!!!!!!! :-)
And the winner is........
The winner (randomly selected) of the Big Sexy Hairspray is...
Allyson at The Blackwoods.
E-mail me your address and it will be mailed out by Monday at the latest!!!
Thanks to everyone (all three of you - LOL) who entered my first giveaway!!!
This was soooo much fun I can't wait till my excuse to do the next one!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Easter a little late...
I was sooo excited about my 1ooth post that I forgot to post Easter pictures...sooooo here they are in no particular order....
Here is the bunny (Kyleigh)...
Annnnnnddddd the bunny (Kyleigh) hopping.....
My Brother-in-law Dan with his HUGE fish!!!!!!!!!!!
Waliacha and his fishing pole....he did catch a fish (about the size of Dan's) but the picture is tooo bright and will not post - LOL!!!!
Waliacha going over to get ANOTHER worm...the baby fishies got most of his - LOL!!!!
ICU Nurse it is
Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day so far!!! Today is going to be a very random life post! HA! I made a purchase l...
Good morning everyone! This morning came and I did not want to leave my bed! UGH! I am SO tired but it was worth it every second to hang w...
Hi everyone!!!! I have to take care of a few shout outs before I get down to the weekend recap!! First...thank you to Julie for m...