Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
I hope you all have an amazing and fun night taking the kiddos trick or treating!!! I do not have kids and in my condo I do not get trick or treaters so I think I will get to the gym early and then carve my three pumpkins to get in the spirit!!!!!!
I normally carve them way earlier than this and light them up each night but have not felt like it this year.?.?.?
I will carve them if only to be able to sort out the guts and make roasted pumpkin seeds - MY FAV!!!!!!!!!
So, have a great Halloween and I will leave with pics of my adorable nieces and nephew that will be trick or treating a state away tonight - these are the times I sooooo wish I lived closer!!!!!!!!!!! Also also pics of their pumpkins which turned out pretty great (I think Daddy carved them)!!!!!! hee hee
My nieces were Dorothy and Glenda the Good Witch from Wizard of Oz and my nephew was a plastic army man. Cute, hugh?!?!?! My sister made the army man costume (pretty crafty right?) I think she got it from pintrest.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Happy "Moan"day
I was sick all weekend although I did attend most of my to dos for the weekend.
Friday night I started feeling sick and then my "friend" cancelled for our casino date so I just ended up going to my homegroup meeting and then to bed early.
Saturday am I was up early setting up everything with some friends for the Speaker Jam 2013. It went awesome although I spent the WHOLE time blowing my nose and using sanitizer spray - HA HA!
Saturday afternoon I was supposed to attend a spagetti dinner fundraiser. I ended up running by and getting mine to go...still in the fridge....
Then Saturday night I was supposed to dress up and go to a Halloween party. I did not dress up as I was still not feeling well but stopped by the party to say hi and chat with some friends I have not seen in a long time....namely Joe and Pat!!!!!!!!!! It was a huge turnout but again, I went home after 1/2 hour and went right to bed!
Sunday I laid in bed ALL day!!! Aside from some cleaning and washing of my bed sheets - when they were clean I put them on and crawled right back in! :-)
I chaired my other homegroup Sunday night after a sad loss for the Steelers....and now here is Monday.
Even when I am sick the weekend goes WAY too fast!!!!!!!!
Hope you all have an amazing week!!!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Five on Friday
Well, I got home and felt really sick and tired...sore throat, tight chest, headache, etc. so I decided to just lay down and take the night off.
I slept from 5PM to 8PM and then got up and watched Big Bang and went back to bed for the rest of the night. Woke up this AM feeling a little better but not a lot....however, I AM NOT SICK!!! I HAVE WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too much to do this weekend to be you will see in my Five on Friday! This is the five awesome and exciting things i have planned for my weekend!!
ONE: Homegroup meeting tonight!! Soooo excited to see all my peeps as I have not been able to make it to this meeting for WEEKS!!! Yippee!!! Also, prepare for the harassment and all of the "where have you been"s...HEE!
TWO: Rivers Casino tonight after homegroup!!! I went here once before with Rose and we arte going again tonight! Yippee!!! I got $20 from the Casino to play the last time we were there...I used it and ended up leaving with a total of $ I MADE# 23 dollars!! Thanks Rivers!! I have the card with my $43 dollars on it and will be using that tonight until it is doubled, tripled or more thank likely gone. However, I do not spend my own money...yea me!!!! PS - this is some seriously AMAZING people watching...I will try to get pics - ha ha
THREE: Speaker Jam all day Saturday!!! I am sooo excited to hear from four amazing individuals that have been working recovery and have amazing lives - really awesome day of fellowship!!!
FOUR: Saturday night Halloween Party at Buffalo Inn!! Sooo excited for this one too...dinner, speaker and dancing all night - or at least until 11PM...HA! I will be pulling out the Mr. Potato Head costume again this year I think! Yes, that's me on the right two years ago...
FIVE: HipHop with Kristy on Sunday afternoon!! What better after a weekend of no workouts (may try to squeeze a run in on Saturday afternoon) than a good butt kicking from my favorite instructor Kristy!?!?!? That is Kristy upside down below (amazing right?!?!) and her class with her in front below that (I am in the second row, to the right in pink next to the girl in black - that is my buddy Jenna)...
I am soo excited for this fun-filled weekend! I promise to post lots of pictures and also to keep you posted if I win the jackpot tonight! Then I can pay my own way into the Super Plunge - $0 donations so far...not looking good :-(
Happy weekend ya'll!!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Everyone Needs a Little Variety
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
BEGGING for donations - Special Olympics
It was cold when I did it last year and this year I am upping the ante.
I have joined the Super Plunge...I have to rasie $3,500 for Special Olympics and then jump into the river once an hour for twenty-four, hugh?!?!?!
I am sooooooooo excited!!! I love to do "out of the box" things to be able to throw a checkmark on my bucket list!
So, here is my plee.....please, even if you just give $1...I promise to not ask for another cent - at least until next years plunge.
Here is the link to donate to my page...HERE...and thank you for even considering donating! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Cardio HipHop Of Course
So....I am going to absolutely bore you with my weekly workout routine that I have been religiously sticking to to get back to weight loss mode!!
Monday: Cardio HipHop with Kristy
Tuesday: Cardio HipHop with Linda
Wednesday: Cardio HipHip with ChiChi
Thursday: Zumba with Kristy and 3 mile run/jog
Friday: 6 mile run/jog
Saturday: 6 mile run/jog
Sunday: Cardi HipHop with Kristy
Can you tell I love Cardio HipHop!?!?
Hope ya'll have a great Thursday!!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Back to bed and re-start?
Ever have a day you wish you could restart? That was me...I got a new water heater three years ago so I never thought that little puddle meant I needed a new on already....I was wrong. Here is a picture is hard to see but there is a little puddle around the leg of the base.... :-(
Thank goodness the heater was under warranty however, I had to pay for a new expansion tank and install :-(
This is the new water heater...exactly like to old one so chances are I will need another new one in three years....although I paid the additional 50 bucks to warranty parts and labor for five years this time....fingers crossed....if you are from Pittsburgh area and need a plumber, Brown's Plumbing is AWESOME!! They are great and quick and clean!
And this is the utility closet re-loaded....
Now, I am off to bed to curl up and have a pity party...starting over tomorrow. Thank God for interest-free financing....such is life! :-(
Hope ya'll had a better day than me!
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Color Run - Pittsburgh and FMM
It was so nice to get to spend some time with my sister, nieces and their friend. We had an awesome time aside from some side-snarls about "I am going to scream if this does not come out of my hair" and "Now I need new tennis shoes because mine are a mess", etc... The girls had way less fun than me and my sister as we went into not caring how silly or goofy we looked and it was simply awesome!!! Just to be able to act and dress like a goof and everyone else was the same ! HEHEHEHE
It was so much fun!!!
Here is the girls posing before the run all clean....notice ...they had to be begged to wear their tutus and vetoed wearing the neon monster socks we got for everyone! See my sister in the back row right?? She wore hers....and so did I....soooo cute! Gotta say - I am happy to be old and just not care what anyone thinks about me!!! Made me realize I do not want to be young again - so there! HEE
I have to say, I don't mind living alone with my little cats but it sure was nice to have company the past few weekends!!! The cats just loved these girls so much too. Thanks for visiting and please come back soon!!! See you all soon - Thanksgiving if not before!!!!!
You are WELCOME at my house anytime!!!!!
Now, onto Friend Making Monday...
If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Friday, October 11, 2013
5 on Friday
It's time for 5 on Friday...
ONE: Who cares if my date has not called me since we went out? It's all good to be single forever, right?!?! What is WRONG with me?!?!?!?
TWO: Who cares if I just lost a friend of over 16 years...I have been a doormat in that relationship the WHOLE time and the one time I stuck up for myself and did what I wanted; she walked away! I have plenty of other friends, right?!?!?!??!
THREE: Who cares if I am going to look like a cow in my giant, white, sparkly tutu tomorrow for the Color Run next to my sweet, skinny nieces and sister?!?! It's all for fun right?!?!?
FOUR: Who cares that I gained one freekin' pound OVERNIGHT from not working out yesterday and eating an apple dumpling from Trax Farms?!?!??! You have to have at east one cheat day even if you are on DietBet, right!??!?!?!?
FIVE: Who cares if I end up being the crazy lady when I get old? At least I could have lived a long, fun and happy life full of family, friends and cats, right?!?!?!
I hope ya'll have an awesome weekend!!!!!!! I will report in with some lovely tutu pics I am sure!! HA HA
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
I Scream, You Scream...
Here is a picture of the 28 ice cream scoops we had to supply ourselves along with ladles and aprons for our managers to wear since they are the ones scooping....ha ha!
And, finally...I have a date tonight! We are meeting at a restaurant near both of our houses. He is such a sweet, nice guy and I am looking forward to seeing how this goes...wish me luck!! Lord knows I need it!! :-)
ICU Nurse it is
Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day so far!!! Today is going to be a very random life post! HA! I made a purchase l...
Good morning everyone! This morning came and I did not want to leave my bed! UGH! I am SO tired but it was worth it every second to hang w...
Hi everyone!!!! I have to take care of a few shout outs before I get down to the weekend recap!! First...thank you to Julie for m...