I am the worlds biggest fan of working from home - really, I am!!!! However, that said - after three days of not being able to leave the house and go anywhere or do anything....I am sooo happy to be out!!!!!!!
The Association finally came yesterday with a digger truck to free us from our parking lot - this is more snow than I have ever seen in a short period of time! WOW WOW WOW!!!
By last evening I was sick of playing scrabble with Waliacha (actually sick of getting beat at scrabble by Waliacha - I DID NOT WIN ONE SINGLE GAME!!!!).
I was begging him to play "spa" with me....a girl just wants to have her feet and hands rubbed sometimes!!!! Just totally sick of being trapped in the house really!!!
Anyway - I am at work today and sooooooooooooooooo happy to be here!!!!!! Seriously, it is sad when I am happier to work at the office than home!!!!! LOL
Case in point...this is a pic of a common site for our area...this is a car not dug out yeat from the storm....can you see the Ford Escort under the snow??????LOL

I am a member of the Wildlife Sustainability Team at work and it is sooo much fun!!! Last summer we were all in charge of monitoring our own assigned bluebird nest boxes to count the number of nest and hatchlings and fledglings, etc. I love this!
We just had a meeting today and found out that we are participating in the The Great Backyard Bird Count, Feb. 12-15, 2010. We all get to go log the kinds and numbers of birds we see in the field - WOOOO HOOOO!
If this sounds like fun to you - you can also participate just with your household. It is a fun way to learn more about nature and birds and field identification, etc.
Check out the website for more information at http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/ (it is sponsored by Cornell and the Audubon Society along with many, many others!!!)

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