Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Trim Down Tuesday #4

Hi everyone!!! I hope you will all join me today for this week's Trim Down Tuesday!

This is week #4 and I am headed in the right direction! It was a good week this week! I watched all week and only had a few cheats over the weekend with family. By cheats I mean; on Sunday I had a Reuben and french fries and an ice cream cone at the ballpark. Not too bad since I watched all week and did barre almost everyday!   But other than that I watched really well and again it paid off!!  Another win for fruits and veggies and hummus!!! HA!

Here is my update...

This is my fourth week!!! Last weeks weight was 223.4 and as I write this I am at 221.4 yippee! I am down 2 and I will happily take it! I did great all week with watching what I ate (aside from those few cheats on the weekend) and I did barre every night except when I was away for the weekend.


Please join me and maybe we can be stronger together?!?!?! How did you do this week? What were you strong in and what could you tweak for next week?

Hi everyone!!! I hope you will all join me today for this week's Trim Down Tuesday! Just add your post to the link below!! Please?!?

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Monday, July 30, 2018

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

Hi Yinz all!! 

Happy Monday!!! 

I am going to update you on the weekend backwards - just for fun! HA! 

I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA and my siblings all grew up here until college and then one by one they all moved away (including my parents) and left me. I am still here representing in "The Burgh"!! They all still love the city and love to visit so we gather here whenever possible!

Since everyone was in town for the REO Concert on Saturday night (post to come later in the week) we decided to go to a Pirates game on Sunday! It was my brothers idea and I was not all in but I love spending time with my family! HA! I am not really a baseball fan - it is hard for me to follow. My favorites are Hockey and Football but I wont ever pass up family time. I told my nieces I was there for a hotdog, peanuts and them! HA HA!

As soon as we got downtown and parked, my niece and myself needed a restroom - LOL! We took the potty people and ducked into the Renaissance Hotel across from the parking garage. On the way out we decided to get a cute selfie while we waited for the walk signal to change so we could cross the street and catch up with the rest of our peeps. So cute...

 They saw us getting a selfie and decided to get one of their group..not nearly as cute - LOL!!! These are the strong bladder people in our family! HA!

As we walked to PNC Park (The Home of the Pittsburgh Pirates) we encountered the Cookie Cruiser!!! My oldest sister is obsessed with Eat n Park restaurant!   She loves their salad bar and cookies and the do not have Eat n Park restaurants in her town in PA. Every time she comes to town we have to eat here. HA! So here is the obligatory pose with the Cookie Cruiser!!!

And just the boys!! They were giving out free smiley cookies from the cruiser!!!  See how cute -the boys and the cookies are - they make them look a pirate for the Pirates games! Super cute!

Close up of the Eat n Park fan! Eat n Park: hear me now: Do yourselves a favor and open a franchise location in Harrisburg...my sister alone will keep it in business! HA HA HA

We decided to each lunch on the way to the game so we stopped at McFadden's - we go here a lot on Steelers game days! On days when the Steelers play, it is  packed with fans in their black and gold...not so much on Pirates game days but the food is great!  Picture of the whole crew waiting on food!!!

Finally we made it to the game!!! This is my niece and myself in the stands...

 And some of the crew during the game!!!

Toward the end of the game...my niece and myself moved up to the very top row of the stadium. It was so breezy and cool up there and EMPTY!! We had a little foot rest too! So we spent the rest of the game up there! LOL!!! So comfy away from the crowds~~

It was such a great weekend!! Cram packed with family and fun! I love these people to pieces and cherish all the time we spend together! We have little spats and annoyances with each other but we get over it and move on - we are truly family and I could not have picked a better group of people to have in my life FOREVER and ALWAYS!! PS - We lost the game 1 to 0 in favor of the NY Mets.

I hope you all had an amazing weekend filled with you forever people!! I am looking forward to going to bed early tonight! LOL! Thanks all for stopping by and for caring enough to read my babbling!

Do you schedule extended family time? Are you close with siblings or nieces and nephews? Do you like baseball? What did you do this weekend?

Friday, July 27, 2018


Yeah Friday!!!!
Today I am joining all the fun parties below...

The five things that I will be doing this weekend ...

ONE:  Today I am getting a new dishwasher - yippee me!! I never thought I would get excited to get a new appliance but I cannot wait for this dishwasher. Mine broke about a month go and I have been waiting patiently for the new one to come in and get delivered and installed! TODAY is the DAY!!

TWO:  I will definitely be going to Pure Barre class on Saturday morning because it looks like I will be missing class today due to my dishwasher install. 

THREE:  I am so excited for the Chicago/REO Speedwagon concert tomorrow night with the family!!  My family is coming in from Ohio and Hershey and we are all going to the Key Bank Pavilian (which will ALWAYS be Starlake to me!!!) Saturday night for the show!  It is going to be soooo much fun!!

FOUR: We will be having a slumber party at my house tomorrow night after the concert! Yeah me!!! I love when my family stays over! (The cats not so much (H!!) but I love it!!!)

FIVE: On Sunday the family is all heading to a Pirates game! I am sooo excited!! Mom and Dad are heading home after the concert so they will miss 4 and 5 - they do not know what they are missing!

I will definitely will have family and fun-filled weekend post to share on Monday!!

I hope you all have an awesome and restful weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

What are your plans for the weekend? Do you enjoy peace and quiet on the weekends or a lot of family and friends and fun? Do you get excited to get new appliances?

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Ipsy July 2018

Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a great week so far!

I have been meaning to show you my Ipsy bag for July and since the month is almost over (WHAT?!?!) I figured today needs to be the day!

Here is the unveiling...Everything comes in a super cute bag each month. This month's is really cute!!!

Just a reminder from Ipsy - it's July...HA!

A Little tester of Oasis Ultra Hydrating Cream...I have not tried this yet...I will keep you posted after I do.

A HUGE sample of Smashbox Studio Skin 24 Hour Waterproof concealer. I do not use concealer so I think this will be gifted to my Mom or one of my sisters.

La Beaute Fatale lipstick...in a very bright color...

I will give this a try...I will also keep you posted on how I like this product.

A little tester of MintPear Night Serum...

And lastly, Sage nail polish. Not so hot about this color either.

I think I need to go out to Ispy and fill out my profile again as it seems like I am getting some colors that I am not to fond of....although I have to say I am happy that I did not get an eyeliner or a brush this month! HA! I have received about 25 eye shadow brushes from Ipsy. HA!

It is always fun to get a gift from yourself every month so I will definitely keep it up. It's a fun little surprise for $10 a month. 

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week!!

Anyone else get Ipsy? Anyone else overwhelmed with brushes or eyeliner? What products have you gotten that you love?

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Boat / Pontoon Parade Recap 2018

Hi ya'll!!! Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday morning! I cant believe I forgot to post these pictures from the 4th of July weekend! Here we go...blast back a few weeks - HA HA HA ...

Every 4th of July at my parents house on the lake there is a boat parade. Anyone can enter and it is free! All they ask is that you pick a theme and decorate your boat. It has to be very visible as the parade starts at 9PM and continues until about 10:30PM so you also need to have a lighted theme! The kids LOVE this and look forward to it every year! They are almost as obsessed as my little sister and myself! It is so much fun and I love that we are making memories and traditions!

The theme we chose this year was construction site! It was the easiest to do yet!!! With the help of that orange plastic used at construction sites it was sooo easy too!

Here is a view of the completed boat from the neighbors house!
Zoomed in a little...
Me and my nephew with a little wave in the back from my niece!
 And finally, the view from on the boat! It was soo much fun and I hope the kids cherish these memories when they get older as much as I do!

The previous years pics are below...

Last year - 2017...I think this is everyone's favorite so far!! The shower looked so realistic! We played the songs Rubby Ducky and Splish-Splash the whole time! HAHA!

2016...We played the song Jailhouse Rock the whole time.

and our first year 2015..We had all kinds of Caribbean music playing and the kids and I tried to hula the whole time - HA HA!

Hopefully we will have many more years of this awesome fun!!!

Anyone else ever decorated a boat for a parade? How do you make memories that last for your family? Any cool traditions you have for you family?

Thanks everyone for reading and being a part of my life! Hugs to you all! I am also joining in on Welcome Wednesday!  

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Trim Down Tuesday #3

Hi everyone!!! I hope you will all join me today for this week's Trim Down Tuesday!

This is week #3 and I am headed in the right direction! I was a little worried to weigh in this morning.  I had ice cream on Sunday after dinner and a Hershey bar and one EL Fudge cookie on Saturday. I always end up cheating a little on weekends since I am at my parents and there is always yummy treats there ( keep NONE in my house).   But other than that I watched really well and apparently it paid off!!  This is a win for fruits and veggies!!! HA!

So - here is my update...

This is my third week!!! My starting weight was 226.6 - UGH!! Last weeks weight was 225.5 and as I write this I am at 223.4 yippee! I am down 2.1 and I will happily take it! I did great all week with watching what I ate (aside from those few cheats on the weekend) and I did barre every night except when I was away for the weekend.

HA! So YEA ME!!! Happily headed the right way!!

Please join me and maybe we can be stronger together?!?!?! How did you do this week? What were you strong in and what could you tweak for next week?


Hi everyone!!! I hope you will all join me today for this week's Trim Down Tuesday! Just add your post to the link below!! Please?!?

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Monday, July 23, 2018

Sugarcreek Visit

Back in June, my family and I took a little trip through Sugarcreek, Ohio.

We were headed to our favorite store to shop when it is rainy at the lake! It has everything and we could easily spend the entire day there~

On this trip we did a few stops along the way...

First we stopped in Sugarcreek town square which is home to the world's largest Cuckoo Clock! It was great...when we arrived it was 10 minutes until the top of hour so we had a very short wait and the show began. I asked my nieces to do this (point and pose) and was extremely shocked that they obliged me! HA!

The clock "performs" every hour and every half hour.

Here it is...ENJOY! Sorry it flips partway through, you have to lean to finish watching...HA!

Worlds largest cuckoo clock from ann wolfe on Vimeo.

From there we passed the Worlds Largest Adirondack chair so we decided to make that a photo opp too!!! See those looming storm clouds above?!?!

The family...I am taking the picture...I just noticed that my Dad has his tongue sticking out! WHAT?!?!

My niece and I...
Selfie in the chair!!!

All in all it was a great day! I love those days where you have no plans and just find fun stuff to explore and visit!

Anyone else enjoy driving with no plans? Looking for the next adventure? How do you spend rainy days? What was your favorite spontaneous stop?

I hope you all have an amazing week! Hugs!

Friday, July 20, 2018

It's Friday - Whoopie!!!

Welcome to Friday!!!!
Today I am joining all the fun parties below...

My five things are the five things that I am currently obsessed with ...

I cannot get enough of these bars and I have yet to find a flavor I do not like! These are great when you want a semi-healthy sweet treat!

These are great to keep around and chew on when I just need something...they really help me control my cravings when I am bored...

This is my very best friend right now...I am icing my knee a few times a day now and it is really helping I think!!

 YUMMO is all! My brother gets me these fizzy hard candies when he goes to Japan! You can get them on Amazon I think! So yummy! This is what is in my candy jar at work!

I love my water bottle...I am trying to drink water, water and more water!

I hope everyone has an amazing Friday and the best weekend ever!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Thankul Thursday

Thankful Thursday! 

...it's time to link up with Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand for Thankful Thursday.

Here we are at Thursday already?!?! This week is flying by!

What is NOT flying by is July! My vacation is not until August this summer and it seems SO far of!!! I need a vacation now!!

Sorry...okay back into thanksfulness! HA!

I am really thankful that I get to vacation at all! Many people cannot afford the luxury of vacation - especially single women taking care of themselves - so I am very grateful that I can afford to vacation AT ALL!! And I have a few coming up if July ever ends - New Jersey in August, Hawaii in September and Aruba in December! WHOOPIE!

I am very thankful for science! I have psoriatic arthritis and my knees are destroyed! Years of degeneration and running when I was overweight have ruined my knees and they hurt everyday! A friend recommended this product and I think it may be helping. I have only been drinking it in my coffee for about three weeks but I think it is feeling a little better. It is supposed to build the bone and joints back up!  Here it is...

Also I have been adding this to my coffee everyday as well.  It is supposed to have numerous health benefits, ranging from improved cognitive function to better weight management - all of which I can use.  Needless to say, my morning coffee is a full on health party! HA!

And finally this little gem! I am thankful for a huge and amazing family! We had a get together for my cousins and myself when we turned 50 and they gave us these adorable glasses! It is great to have a family that supports ans loves each other! I will think of my family every time I enjoy a glass of water (I am also very grateful for my recovery which is why this will hold water and not wine)!! This is also what I will say when August is finally here and I leave for vacation! "SIP, SIP, HORRAY!"

I hope everyone has an amazing day!!! Thanks to you all for stopping by and reading and spending a little of you time with me! Happy Thankful Thursday!

Anyone else ever try a collagen product? MCT Oil? Anything you use for health benefits that you would want to share with others?  

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

October 2017 - Another Toronto Adventure

I was actually working in Toronto in October 2017 when Prince Harry had his first public date with Meghan at the Invictus Games. I was just a hair too late to be in the dating line up. HA HA!

Around that time I enjoyed another great adventure when I was in Toronto.  It was a visit to the CN Tower. The group I was working with took me out for a great night on the town! We went on a tour of the CN Tower and then had dinner in the 360 Restaurant which is on the very top and spins around while you eat!! It was so beautiful and a really awesome view of the city of Toronto!

 Here is a picture of the CN Tower from below...it is so high! It is over 1,800 feet high! The CN Tower held the record for the world's tallest free-standing structure for 32 years until 2007 and was the world's tallest tower until 2009 being overtaken by Burj Khalifa and Canton Tower, respectively.  It is now the ninth tallest tower in the world and remains the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. In 1995, the CN Tower was declared one of the modern Seven Wonders of the World by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Here is a video of the ride up...soooo fun!!!
Riding to the Top of the CN Tower from ann wolfe on Vimeo.

There is a glass floor at the top that you can lay on ...this is my photo as I laid on the glass floor.

Another looking down at my feet!

A view from the windows in the 360 Restaurant...

And another...

This is our whole group! I was blessed to meet and work with some many great people in Canada! It was so much fun and we enjoyed the picture with the moose in the lobby! HA

A view from the car heading home with everything lit up...

If you ever get a chance to visit Toronto - you should definitely stop in at the CN Tower! It was an amazing experience! I would have loved to do the Edgewalk (where you go outside and walk around the whole tower up on the top!) but it was closed the night we were there :-(

I hope you all have a great day! Thanks for stopping by and sharing in my travels!

Anyone every been to the CN Tower? Do you like heights? Do you enjoy adrenaline activities?

ICU Nurse it is

 Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...