Hi Yinz all!!
Happy Monday!!!
I am going to update you on the weekend backwards - just for fun! HA!
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA and my siblings all grew up here until college and then one by one they all moved away (including my parents) and left me. I am still here representing in "The Burgh"!! They all still love the city and love to visit so we gather here whenever possible!
Since everyone was in town for the REO Concert on Saturday night (post to come later in the week) we decided to go to a Pirates game on Sunday! It was my brothers idea and I was not all in but I love spending time with my family! HA! I am not really a baseball fan - it is hard for me to follow. My favorites are Hockey and Football but I wont ever pass up family time. I told my nieces I was there for a hotdog, peanuts and them! HA HA!
As soon as we got downtown and parked, my niece and myself needed a restroom - LOL! We took the potty people and ducked into the Renaissance Hotel across from the parking garage. On the way out we decided to get a cute selfie while we waited for the walk signal to change so we could cross the street and catch up with the rest of our peeps. So cute...
They saw us getting a selfie and decided to get one of their group..not nearly as cute - LOL!!! These are the strong bladder people in our family! HA!
As we walked to PNC Park (The Home of the Pittsburgh Pirates) we encountered the Cookie Cruiser!!! My oldest sister is obsessed with Eat n Park restaurant! She loves their salad bar and cookies and the do not have Eat n Park restaurants in her town in PA. Every time she comes to town we have to eat here. HA! So here is the obligatory pose with the Cookie Cruiser!!!
And just the boys!! They were giving out free smiley cookies from the cruiser!!! See how cute -the boys and the cookies are - they make them look a pirate for the Pirates games! Super cute!
Close up of the Eat n Park fan! Eat n Park: hear me now: Do yourselves a favor and open a franchise location in Harrisburg...my sister alone will keep it in business! HA HA HA
We decided to each lunch on the way to the game so we stopped at McFadden's - we go here a lot on Steelers game days! On days when the Steelers play, it is packed with fans in their black and gold...not so much on Pirates game days but the food is great! Picture of the whole crew waiting on food!!!
Finally we made it to the game!!! This is my niece and myself in the stands...
And some of the crew during the game!!!
Toward the end of the game...my niece and myself moved up to the very top row of the stadium. It was so breezy and cool up there and EMPTY!! We had a little foot rest too! So we spent the rest of the game up there! LOL!!! So comfy away from the crowds~~
It was such a great weekend!! Cram packed with family and fun! I love these people to pieces and cherish all the time we spend together! We have little spats and annoyances with each other but we get over it and move on - we are truly family and I could not have picked a better group of people to have in my life FOREVER and ALWAYS!! PS - We lost the game 1 to 0 in favor of the NY Mets.
I hope you all had an amazing weekend filled with you forever people!! I am looking forward to going to bed early tonight! LOL! Thanks all for stopping by and for caring enough to read my babbling!
Do you schedule extended family time? Are you close with siblings or nieces and nephews? Do you like baseball? What did you do this weekend?