Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Friday, March 28, 2014
5 on Friday
Yea!!!!!!! I love 5 on Friday.
I am linking up with the lovely host ladies listed above for five very miscellaneous things!
ONE: I left for work this am and I think one of my sweet kitties is sick. She was hiding under the bed and would not even come out for a treat so I am worried. Hope by the time I get home tonight she is better!! Prayers for my sweetie!!
TWO: Today is my little (and only) brothers birthday (He is the older one below - hee)! We like to call him JC (for Jesus Christ) just in a joking way. My parents had each of us three girls and we tease that they just kept trying until they got their boy. He is an awesome brother, awesome husband and awesome Dad to his two children! I am sooo proud of who he is and what he is! I love you and happy birthday from me!!!!!!!
THREE: Tomorrow is the anniversary of my Aunt Marti finding out that she is cancer-free. I think it is nine years now but I have to find that out! She is the adult in the picture below - hee hee! She fought ovarian cancer and won!!!!!!!!! YEA AUNT MARTI!!!! I love you soooooooo much!!! Thank for begin such an inspiration in my life as a role model and Godmother! You are an amazingly good person and I love you very much!!!!!!!
FOUR: Marathon training is going well. There is a little more than five weeks to go. It is very life consuming because you have to make sure you eat a certain way, sleep a certain amount, only plan things on certain days, etc. I am pretty sire that this will be the only marathon I run. I enjoy running and the health benefits but I think after all the effort and time that went into May's Pittsburgh Marathon; I will focus in the future on shorter 5K and 10K races and maybe one half marathon a year. Time will tell!!
FIVE: My newest obsession for my carb load (just kidding about loading but this is really the only day of the week I eat pasta) the night before my long runs - LASAGNA from Stouffer's!!! This stuff is amazing! You buy it for way less than it would cost the buy the ingredients to make it yourself and it is sooooo yummy! A friend at work turned me onto it and it is amazing and cheesy and yummy!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! If you have never tried it, you should!!! Feeds at least seven too! Yea for leftovers!!!
I hope everyone has an amazing Friday and an even better weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy weekend yinz!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Ipsy Loot for March
Gotta love Ipsy!!! Each month it just gets better and better!!! It is such a toss up for me because I love Ipsy almost as much as I love Stridebox!!!
Here is my loot from March from Ipsy!!!
What a cute bag this month! I love this design sooo much!!
Here is what the polish looks like on nails...I borrowed this picture from the website for Nicole by OPI...
Soooooooooo cute, right?!?!?
Well, again this month, Ipsy rocked!!!!
Check it out - if you do not already subscribe, go here now!!!
Here is my loot from March from Ipsy!!!
What a cute bag this month! I love this design sooo much!!
Bombshell eyeshadow! I have loved all the bombshell products I have tried so far so I think this will be great as well. Definitely need a night out on the town to try out these colors! The two copper shades are amazing!
This is lipstick from Bare Minerals. I love their powder foundation so I am sure this will be awesome too! I got the greatest shade too! Perfect for me!
Here is the box ...
This hand cream is awesome!!! I love trying all of these new products that I would never otherwise find. This feels awesome and smells just as good - it is my new lotion I carry around in my purse.
And this AWESOME polish! I love polish and this is soo cool looking! I am going to use it this weekend - it dries with speckles and texture....and the color is so cute and subtle! I think it is the PERFECT Easter color! I can't wait to try this!
Here is what the polish looks like on nails...I borrowed this picture from the website for Nicole by OPI...
Soooooooooo cute, right?!?!?
Well, again this month, Ipsy rocked!!!!
Check it out - if you do not already subscribe, go here now!!!
StrideBox for March
I know I say this every month but I LOVE Stridebox!!!!
If you are a runner then you really need to check this out!!
Here is my box this month...
Cute right, little green for the holiday this month??!
If you are a runner then you really need to check this out!!
Here is my box this month...
Cute right, little green for the holiday this month??!
Here is the list of what we included in the box, and where to go purchase each product- LOVE this!
Got these cute little lace lockers. I am going to try these on my laces for my long run this weekend. I usually double-know but it is such a pain to get them off - HA!!
The token sticker - they are always cute!
Recovery drink - Trying this on Saturday too (after the long run)
I am going to use this tonight for Zumba and HipHop...I will need a little pick me up after I run 8 miles and then go to classes :-)
Saving this to enjoy one day soon!!!!!!!
Definitely excited to try this flavor - sounds yummy at least!!!
I am sure this will come in handy soon!!!!!!! I gave up massages and manis and pedis for lent and my feet are getting beat up from all this training!! :-)
What could be bad about Peanut Butter and Brownie?!?!?! YUMMO!!!!!
I am always amazed at how many full sized products I get each month in the Stridebox!!! It truly is amazing that it only costs $12 a month!!!!
Such a fun way to try new health and running products!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Marathon Anytime Soon?
Wowsa - I have not posted in a while.
Sorry about that - things have gotten busy and crazy!
I am sponsoring a new girl and as anyone that is a FOB knows, that takes A LOT of time! She is amazing and I am sooo blessed to have her in my life right now though!
Also, work has been awesome! BUT along with the awesome, downright busy and stressful!! Be careful what you wish for; you just might have all your dreams come true at once! HA HA! Thats all I can say on that subject!
I wanted to check in as marathon training is going really well. I am scheduled to run at the beginning of May and we are just a few short weeks out.
So far I have been able to train on my running days and still keep doing my "fun" exercises like Zumba and strength training like BodyPump.
Here is my daily averages from recently (past two weeks) sleep still sucks!
Just wanted to check in and say I am definitely keeping up with everyone elses blog - please forgive my bloggy laziness. It is everything in me to type this post - hee!
XO - Hope yinz have a great week!
Sorry about that - things have gotten busy and crazy!
I am sponsoring a new girl and as anyone that is a FOB knows, that takes A LOT of time! She is amazing and I am sooo blessed to have her in my life right now though!
Also, work has been awesome! BUT along with the awesome, downright busy and stressful!! Be careful what you wish for; you just might have all your dreams come true at once! HA HA! Thats all I can say on that subject!
I wanted to check in as marathon training is going really well. I am scheduled to run at the beginning of May and we are just a few short weeks out.
So far I have been able to train on my running days and still keep doing my "fun" exercises like Zumba and strength training like BodyPump.
- Monday: Tanning and training run (now up to five miles) right after work and then home for and off for two classes at StudioFit (Zumba and BodyPump)
- Tuesday: Day of rest in training and all together!
- Wednesday: Tanning and training run (now up to 8 miles this week) right after work and then home for dinner and off for two classes at StudioFit (HipHop and BodyPump)
- Thursday: Tanning and training run (now up to five miles) right after work and then home for dinner and off for two classes at StudioFit (HipHop and Zumba)
- Friday: Day of rest in training and all together!
- Saturday: Long run day (up to 16 miles this week!) Soak in the tub!!!!
- Sunday: Day of rest in training but off to StudioFit for BodyPump and Zumba.
Here is my daily averages from recently (past two weeks) sleep still sucks!
And here is the training schedule. I am in week 10 on my DAY OF REST! YEA
Just wanted to check in and say I am definitely keeping up with everyone elses blog - please forgive my bloggy laziness. It is everything in me to type this post - hee!
XO - Hope yinz have a great week!
Friday, March 14, 2014
5 on Friday
It's my favorite day of the week and my favorite blog link-up of the week!!!
1.) Write your post about five things you're loving this week (or any five things you want to share!).
2.) Share the logo on your blog and link back HERE.
2.) Share the logo on your blog and link back HERE.
ONE: My Aunt Marti sent me this recipe for a new twist on my breakfast shake! Looks and sounds so yummy - I am going to try it this weekend before my long run (Marathon training run on Saturday is 16 miles this week).....
TWO: This was my awesome workout yesterday! This run felt sooo great and it was my best per mile time yet!!!!
THREE: I got these awesome Sperry boots for $3 at Macy's...yes, $3 at Macy's!!! They were $140 - marked down to $35 - with a $25 gift card and additional percentages off the total came to $3!!! Yea me!!! I am a sucker for a good deal!
FIVE: Today is fun Friday at work!!! All kinds of yummy stuff here to eat today!!! Thank goodness I have a 16 mile training run tomorrow!!!
And finally, I am sooooooooo excited for an event this weekend!! It is the Second Annual Night at the Races in support of the Modernettes!!! I am meeting an old friend there and am soooo excited! It was such a great time last year!!!
Hope yinz all have an amazing weekend!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Still Training...
I figured I better check in and say hi amidst the Marathon Training!
I have not posted although I have still been reading all of your blogs daily!
My life consists of work, running and strength classes with a lunch or dinner with friends thrown in there (oh and a meeting here and there!).
I am over halfway through this marathon training and I have so many emotions already - I know WHEN I cross the finish line I am going to cry like a baby!
This is a lot of time, effort and determination (there are sooooo many days that I want to skip me training run and I have had to miss family things due to a long run begin on my schedule!) HA HA
I know, once it is over I will be sooooo happy that I accomplished this but I do not think I will ever train for another one! I have great runs where i feel amazing and I know I have this and then there are crappy runs where I think I will never cross the finish line on race day! HA
Here is the completed runs so far (they are check marked on my chart below).
I am sooooooooooooo excited about race day!! It seems so far off most of the time but then when I have a bad training run it feels like I do not have enough time to train before the race - HA - mental games!
I know I have done posts on it before but I truly LOVE LOVE LOVE my Strideboxs that I get every month!!! It is only $15 a month and they have been awesome every month!!!
I will post tomorrow on what came this month in my box!!
Happy Thursday yinz!! We are almost there - Friday is soon!!!!!!!!!
I have not posted although I have still been reading all of your blogs daily!
My life consists of work, running and strength classes with a lunch or dinner with friends thrown in there (oh and a meeting here and there!).
I am over halfway through this marathon training and I have so many emotions already - I know WHEN I cross the finish line I am going to cry like a baby!
This is a lot of time, effort and determination (there are sooooo many days that I want to skip me training run and I have had to miss family things due to a long run begin on my schedule!) HA HA
I know, once it is over I will be sooooo happy that I accomplished this but I do not think I will ever train for another one! I have great runs where i feel amazing and I know I have this and then there are crappy runs where I think I will never cross the finish line on race day! HA
Here is the completed runs so far (they are check marked on my chart below).
I am sooooooooooooo excited about race day!! It seems so far off most of the time but then when I have a bad training run it feels like I do not have enough time to train before the race - HA - mental games!
I know I have done posts on it before but I truly LOVE LOVE LOVE my Strideboxs that I get every month!!! It is only $15 a month and they have been awesome every month!!!
I will post tomorrow on what came this month in my box!!
Happy Thursday yinz!! We are almost there - Friday is soon!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Week 8 - Already?!?!
So, I just checked my calendar of Marathon Training Runs and realized that I am officially into Week 8!!
WOWSA!! Today is my rest day - yippee!!
The Pittsburgh Marathon happens at the end of Week 16 so I am exactly 2 months away!!!
Here is what I have learned so far...
I have learned that some runs are going to feel easy and awesome and others will feel like crap from the 1st mile to the last!!! No matter the length too! Sometimes 4 miles is a piece of cake and other times it is excruciatingly long and painful - weird, I know!!
I lave learned that I need to do some serious experimenting with gels and energy chews...I have no idea when to eat these and I cannot even usually tell a difference in my running after I have eaten them...not sure what to do about this. Any help from you runners out there?!?!?!
I am begging and praying for mother nature to bring Spring...I cannot handle another over ten mile run on the treadmill....ICK ICK ICK ICK!!! It is awful!!!!!!!
It takes a lot of dedication to train for a marathon. There are many days that I want to skip my run or switch the days out because I do not FEEL like running but I cannot. I have had to NOT do a lot of things lately due to the fact that I have a short run or a long run scheduled that day...many things have gone on the back burner for this race. I think this is the first and last marathon I will run...HA HA!
Happy Rest Day to you all!!! HEE HEE
WOWSA!! Today is my rest day - yippee!!
The Pittsburgh Marathon happens at the end of Week 16 so I am exactly 2 months away!!!
Here is what I have learned so far...
I have learned that some runs are going to feel easy and awesome and others will feel like crap from the 1st mile to the last!!! No matter the length too! Sometimes 4 miles is a piece of cake and other times it is excruciatingly long and painful - weird, I know!!
I lave learned that I need to do some serious experimenting with gels and energy chews...I have no idea when to eat these and I cannot even usually tell a difference in my running after I have eaten them...not sure what to do about this. Any help from you runners out there?!?!?!
I am begging and praying for mother nature to bring Spring...I cannot handle another over ten mile run on the treadmill....ICK ICK ICK ICK!!! It is awful!!!!!!!
It takes a lot of dedication to train for a marathon. There are many days that I want to skip my run or switch the days out because I do not FEEL like running but I cannot. I have had to NOT do a lot of things lately due to the fact that I have a short run or a long run scheduled that day...many things have gone on the back burner for this race. I think this is the first and last marathon I will run...HA HA!
Happy Rest Day to you all!!! HEE HEE
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