Just for fun I thought I would join in with Linda at 2nd cup of coffee for her random dozen!!
Here we go...
1. How good are you at delaying gratification? Pretty good - I wait until the evening of WW Weight in to get my weekly treat...and lately I have only been allowing myself one pedi per month!!! :-)
2. Maybe a marshmallow wouldn't be too difficult a temptation for you. What food (or anything else) would be most tempting? Chocolate kills me and Bethel Bakery Cake - nothing in the universe compairs for me!!
3. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being saintly) how patient are you? I would say I am a five..I have been getting better...my worst times are in the car and driving!!!!!
4. Have you ever waited for something in life only to be disappointed upon realization of the goal/object/etc.? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! "Be careful what you pray for, you just might get it."LOL
5. Are you a person who takes shortcuts? not very often...I enjoy hard work and the feeling of accomplishment!
6. Which line is hardest to wait in?Without a doubt, the DMV - feel like cattle when I have to go there!!!!!!! TOO MANY LINES!!! LOL
7. Did you wait to discover the gender of your unborn child until its birth? no kids :-(
8. Are you more patient with children or the elderly? BOTH!!!!!!!
9. Did you ever sneak a peek at a present? whenever we were kids we did this all the time - then you start to realize that it just spoils the suprise (kinda like "you are only hurting yourself")
10. What is the longest you've ever waited for anything?4 years to graduate from college
11. Who has more patience, you or your significant other? me me me me
12. Which of the following songs about waiting is your pick for the best? (OK, you may substitute another, if you like.)Definitely A - love Carly!
A) Anticipation by Carly Simon
B) The Waiting by Tom Petty
C) Right Here Waiting for You by Richard Marx
D) Wait for Me by Rebecca St. James
Ok...play along!!!!
Cant' wait to read everyone elses answers!!!!!
I agree you need to watch what you pray for! Good answers, thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteuntil next time... nel
Interesting! I would fail every single question.