Monday, October 21, 2019

Happy Pink Witches Night Out

Happy Monday guys! I have to share with you the exciting Halloween party details but first I have to let you know about an awesome party I happened to run into when out of town!!

Remember that Bubble Tea place?!!??! Well, the tea was so good that I decided to drive back and get another one the next night. I am SOOO happy I did. 

I got to the town and there were tons of people out and about! Tables and booths n the streets and sidewalks everywhere! Turns out, it was Pink Witches Night out in the town on Denville, NJ!!! It is a fundraiser and awareness raising for Breast Cancer. All the stores donate a portion of their profits to Breast Cancer and there are tons of raffle baskets, giveaways, etc.

Here is the pamphlet...

The inside... 

And the map where you could get free stuff and samples!!! 

The pink flags were all over the town...see it across the street...

There were tons of giveaway booths with great stuff!! 

Some people (that knew about it in advance-HAHA) dressed up as witches!!

They had this fun game...reach in the bra and get a ping pong ball - you win the prize that is on the funny!!! This lady tried to get her son to do it and he would not (he was like 14 and SOOO EMBARRASSED-HA) so she posed for my picture! Thanks mystery woman!

All of the store fronts were decorated so cute too!

Here is a shot down the street...

Afterwards, I headed home and forgot dinner. So I stopped at Chick-filA. That place is ALWAYS crazy busy!!!! No matter where I go, in what town, there is always a line at this place. I decided to wait to try it out.

After eating there - I do not understand what is so great about it to wait in a line this long for chicken it took me 1/2 hour to get my food - I will never do it again. Tastes just like everyone else's chicken to me. HA!

Once I got back to the hotel I dumped out the loot bag and here is all my stuff! Lots of lip balm, hand sanitizers (I go through a lot of these), stress balls, clips, band-aids, floss, travel mug, etc. 

Oh, and, the most important thing....I got a pink extension in my hair. They put these in peoples hair for free too! I still have it in there - I love it! 

Happy Pink Witches night out!!

I hope you all are set to have a great week!

Happy Monday!

How was your weekend? Do you like free stuff? Do you  know a survivor? Are you a survivor? If so, congrats on winning the fight for your life!! You are in my prayers!


  1. What a great event. The extension looks great in your hair.

    1. Aw thank you! I love it so much I have left it in all week!! So fun! Have a wonderful day!

  2. How fun. I stayed home this weekend, but I would have been out if this fun stuff was in my neighborhood. I love the bra idea.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

    1. I was so happy I stumbled upon it!!! Otherwise I would be sitting alone in my hotel room! UGH! Have a fantastic day Sandee!

  3. How fun is that?? Good timing going back there
    That stand to dig in bras is the funniest! :)

    1. It was hilarious Rebecca Jo!!! The young kid was so embarrassed he would not even try the game - LOL! So creative and fun! Have a great day!

  4. I am a survivor - double mastectomy. And I am blessed! Thanks for the support,

    1. WOW! Go you! Congrats and yes, you are blessed!!! HUGS! Have a fantastic week - HUGS!

  5. That sounds like so much fun! I am a survivor - mastectomy. Blessed more than I can say.

    1. Congrats Cathy! I can not imagine what you had to go through...sending hugs! Enjoy those blessings and congrats on the great fight!!! HUGS! Have a great week!

  6. Oh my, you were very lucky you went back. Looked like a fun time!

    1. Right Debby!??! It was well worth the drive to break up the monotony of a business trip! I could hardy fit everything in my suitcase to get back home - LOL!

  7. What a fun event and for a worthy cause.

    1. It really was Ann - I was really happy I ran into it! Have a fantastic week! HUGS

  8. What a great event and how super that you just stumbled upon it! What a fun way to support such a worthy cause!

    1. Right!?!??!? I got very lucky and had an excuse to SHOP!!! Yeah for that!! All because I wanted bubble tea! HA HA! Glad Joe is doing well!!! HUGS to you both - hae a great week full of recovery!!!

  9. I know St. Clare's Hospital which sponsored this night. My sister was in there a few times for various things. But I didn't know that they did this! How cool! It's been a long time since I've been to Denville and now I want to go back.

    1. Yes, that is the sponsor! They are so friendly! I spent a lot of time talking to the ladies that were in charge of that booth! Great people!!! You should go back - it is so full of adorable stores!! I love it! Have a great week Kathy!! HUGS

  10. The pink streak looks great! Maybe you should wear it all the time. I don't know that they do the witchy thing, but Northeast, PA goes all out with pink every October...and then you can tour the wineries. :)

    1. I don't drink Stacy but my family would love those winery tours!!! They love that stuff!! I still have the extension in...hoping it will stay in a long time! I love it! Have a great week Stacy - HUGS

  11. How fortuitous to stumble upon the Pink Witches. And might I have great hair.

    1. Aw thank you Linda! You are so very sweet! My hair is definitely a blessing...very thick and strong. One of my favorite parts of me! HA HA! Yes, I was very excited to stumble upon it and it gave me a great excuse to shop!! HA!! Have a fantastic day!!!

  12. What a fabulous community activity to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer! You picked up a lot of loot. I enjoyed picking up free stuff back when I was still teaching and used a good bit of it in my classroom treasure chest. I do like Chick Fil-A, but won't wait. I was in PA over the weekend attending a stitching retreat.

    1. How did you like PA? What part of PA did you visit? I love my state but it is always fun to travel! I just don't understand what I am missing with Chickfila....weird, everyone else loves it! HA! Have a wonderful week Robin!!!

    2. Ann, we were in Lewisburg and stayed at Country Cupboard. PA is a beautiful state although I typically only drive to where I am going.

  13. Looks like such a fun night. Very cool. So very nice.

    1. W\It was so much fun and they raised a lot of money to fight breast cancer! Always a bonus!!! Have a great day Patrick!

  14. How fun!! Great way to raise money and awareness. Oh Ann...Chick Fit A is the Big thing here in the South. Maybe the northern ones need I love their chicken sandwich and their nuggets. Plus the staff is always so pleasant. You need to come to one in Alabama.:)

    1. Arlene, it is a huge thing here. I just can;t figure out what I am missing. I ordered grilled nuggets and they gave me fried so I ate them anyway. They tasted just like other chicken nuggets...I am so confused!!! I guess if I am ever in the South I will try is a long wait for chicken.

  15. What a fun, serendipitous connection you made by going back and finding the Pink Witches event!

    1. It was a great coincidence!!! Such a fun night! Have a great week!

  16. That really looks like so much fun. You got such wonderful loot.

    1. Right Kay!!! I love freebies!! Especially sanitizer - I use a lot of that!!!! Have a fantastic day! HUGS

  17. It was great Linda! Wish we had them around my hometown!! Hugs - have a great week!

  18. Well that was a fun surprise! Love the bra game! Might have to borrow that for a club party!


ICU Nurse it is

 Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...