My parents picked me up in Pittsburgh and we all drove to Harrisburg together to meet up with my sister. She got us tickets to the Penn State vs Ohio State last Saturday and it was an awesome day!
Got my nails ready with some amazing Jamberry designs (purchase here just click on shop at the top). As you can tell, I was rooting for Penn State!
This is a car selfie on the way to the game of me and my mother! Love her!!!!!!!
This is a family selfie...ha! This is all my family that was at the game (L to R-my Dad, me, brother in law Steve (we met him there), Mom and then Sister)
Here I was attempting a picture of the lot - the tailgates were amazing~! So much fun~and I don't even drink!!
This is the cheerleaders and band parading into the stadium before the start of the game!
And another...
And another...If these are your kids, your welcome!
Here is us at our seats waiting for the start of the game!

Here is a shot of the field and crowds during was an energized stadium - so fun!

And finally, at my sisters house, all snuggled in my nieces bed for the night! Penn State lost at the very end but it really was an amazing game! Also, from tailgating and walking around the campus all day, I logged over 11 miles that day so that is a win win in my book!!!
Before we left for Pittsburgh the next day, we made a Costco run as a you will see, that is always a good time! HA Here is my sister with her sock monkey (her friend is deathly afraid of them so she had me take a picture and we texted it to her - ha!) Cruel, I know!
My mom found the cute horsey to hop on. I swear, she did this all herself!!! I just grabbed the shot before she changed her mind!!! My family is soooooooooooo fun!!!!!
As always, weekends with family go wayyyyyyy to quick and it was time to head home!
Hope yinz all had an amazing weekend as well!!!
Why an exciting game you got to see! I love tailgating too and we have had a lot of fun this season.