Happy birthday little brother!!
My little brother is such an amazing sibling and friend! Also, he is the epitome of a NICE PERSON!
I have NEVER heard him say a negative word about anyone and his children are the same way!!
He is very positive and loving to his family and a wonderful provider!
I could not have asked for a more wonderful little brother!
Since my parents had three girls and then FINALLY got their boy - we girls believe he was a wee bit spoiled by my parents...but we won't get into that here except to say the title of this post is fitting. We always joke with him and call him J.C. (for Jesus Christ because he can do no wrong) please do not be offended...it is a joke...HA!
He is an amazing brother, son, father and I think husband...HA!
He loves spending as much time as possible with his children and is fully engaged with them whenever he is with them.
Such a bunch of cuties...my little brother in the middle - his kids on each side!
He recently took his son to a hockey game for his birthday - my nephew was in HEAVEN!!!
This is the family at a Steelers game last season...
And he recently took his daughter to the Father/Daughter dance for Indian Princesses. Such cuties...both of them!!!
Happy birthday Matt!!!! No matter how big or old we get - you will ALWAYS be my little brother and I love you so much!
Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Joe's Wednesday Medley
Today, as I do every Wednesday (almost!!!), I am joining in with Terri for her Wednesday Medley!!!
Who knew!?!?! Terri's husband is Joe...he has his own National Day?!?! WOW!!!!
If you're interested in a little 'Joe' trivia, just click here!
If you want to join in...copy the questions below and head over to Terri's blog and add your link! I am sure she would love to have you join in!!!
Who is your favorite "Joe/Jo" and what can you tell us about him or her?
Who were you named for, and do you or did you know that person?
Do you have a middle name and do you like it/use it?
Yes, My middle name is Marie...it is the same as my mother's. I love when people roll it all together and call me Ann Marie (the doctors office does this - HA).
Have you ever named your car? Tell us about it, please!
Nope - never...not sure why not though.
Share something random with us about your week.
I am back to work after vacation. It is Wednesday but it feels like it should be Friday by now! UGH! Days drag after vacation! Also, I am still coughing and congested and not feeling 100%. I drag my butt through the day but can't wait to climb into bed when I get home!!!!
I hope health is around the corner soon!!!! Fingers crossed!
I hope you all have a wonderful day - come on over and join us at Terri's! I love reading everyone's answers and I need all the entertainment I can get! HA!
If no one has told you they love you today, let me be the first! Hugs to you all!
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Second Half of Florida 2019
Here we are...another post! Two in a row! That is a record lately!
I want to let you know how my vacation ended...sickness and all - HA!
Wednesday, March 20th:
This is my collage from the pool! We tried to hang out at the pool and it was so cold and cloudy we had to bundle up! HA!
My sister told me it was post something you are thankful for day so I made her pose for this picture- LOL!!!!! We had a great time golfing and hanging out - I love time spent with her!
My little sister arrived in the afternoon with her three kids so we had dinner at the house and then went out to the entertainment...
Here we all are in a selfie at the town square!!! A selfie with seven!!!
I was again not feeling so swell so my Dad took one for the team and danced with the kids that night!!! Here are a few pictures of them in action...
We all figured out sleeping arrangements when we got home that night. Me and Kerry stayed in our room and we added a blowup bed between us to sleep Kyleigh (my little sisters oldest)...here we are. This picture is very important!!! LOL! This night, Kyleigh got up puking in the middle of the night! Apparently she made it no where and barfed all over her bed in the middle of me and Kerry. I slept through the WHOLE thing!!Yes, I had no idea anything happened until I got up in the morning and Kyleigh was on the couch with my little sister. Her brother also got sick in the other room!!! Thank goodness my oldest sister and Mom woke up and helped her. Then the next day my mother got it and had to back out of golf to date me, my older sister, youngest niece and father have not gotten it...UGH!
Thursday, March 21st:
Thursday morning me and Kerry went to get groceries for everyone and took my only "non sick" niece with us. Since she felt so good she carried the groceries...just kidding ... we staged this photo!
We returned home and made brownies...that is what my family does on vacation...eat LOTS of sweets!!! PS - see the Clorox wipes in the photo of Aly licking the bowl...flu cleanup!!!
Later that day the kids were feeling a little better so we went to play shuffleboard...
Action shots...all of this is FREE at the The Villages!!!!
That afternoon my Mom, Dad, oldest sister and I golfed again (see my Walmart polo???) HA!...
That night we all stayed home and worked on a puzzle hoping everyone would feel better!!!
Friday, March 22nd:
We all wanted to try line dancing lessons (also free at The Villages) so we convinced EVERYONE to come!!! Dad and Ryan included!! We had a ball - it was so fun for everyone!! We learned four dances; including a contra (where you slap hands with your neighbor)!!!
Here is the family selfie!! We were seated in chairs along the wall waiting for class to start! I have a video but they will KILL me is I post it! LOL!
Then since it was my sister and I's last day; we headed off to the pool for our final rays of sunshine. It was super hot and no clouds so we all spent A LOT of time in the water!!!
This is how the book club started...my oldest sister and Kyleigh...
And it quickly turned to this! I don't have a picture but eventually then entire family was reading in the pool!! HA HA!
We went into town that night, since it was our last, and we saw these cuties swimming in the town fountains...
So many babies...so much cuteness!!!
Saturday, March 23rd:
I was so sad when it was time to leave! My parents took us to the shuttle around 9AM on Saturday. The whole vacation seemed to go so quickly but I think it was just because I felt so sick so much of the time! Here we are on the shuttle back to the airport!
I flew home (upgraded to first class - thank goodness) still congested! This sickness has been forever!!!! But at least I can feel it letting up and breaking up more and more each day!
I could not wait to see these cuties...all four were laying in the front room when I arrived home...here is the camera shot from my house cam from when I pulled into the parking lot...
Here is an interesting little PS to this very long recap!!! My parents rent a different home in The Villages every year they go down. They only rent for March and most people in The Villages like to rent out their homes for three months (January thru March) so they have to wait until late to select theirs as most people only take a one month renter if they have not rented yet and it is January. So, long story short...of all of the houses they could have rented (literally thousands in the Villages that rent)...they rented from a friend of mine that used to live in PA! I was friends with him and his wife (they moved there two years ago) and she recently died. He has now moved in with another woman and is renting the home they shared. HOW STRANGE?!?!?! I was floored when my Dad told me who the owner was!!! LOL!!! REALLY SMALL WORLD!
Okay - so recap over! I sincerely apologize as I wanted to blog everyday and take you along on this trip but I promise I am not a happy person when I am sick so the posts would have been miserable and crotchety!!!
I will try again next month when I head to Aruba! Until then...I am catching up on all of your blogs!!! Hugs!!! I have missed you all!!!!!
I want to let you know how my vacation ended...sickness and all - HA!
Wednesday, March 20th:
This is my collage from the pool! We tried to hang out at the pool and it was so cold and cloudy we had to bundle up! HA!
My sister told me it was post something you are thankful for day so I made her pose for this picture- LOL!!!!! We had a great time golfing and hanging out - I love time spent with her!
My little sister arrived in the afternoon with her three kids so we had dinner at the house and then went out to the entertainment...
Here we all are in a selfie at the town square!!! A selfie with seven!!!
I was again not feeling so swell so my Dad took one for the team and danced with the kids that night!!! Here are a few pictures of them in action...
We all figured out sleeping arrangements when we got home that night. Me and Kerry stayed in our room and we added a blowup bed between us to sleep Kyleigh (my little sisters oldest)...here we are. This picture is very important!!! LOL! This night, Kyleigh got up puking in the middle of the night! Apparently she made it no where and barfed all over her bed in the middle of me and Kerry. I slept through the WHOLE thing!!Yes, I had no idea anything happened until I got up in the morning and Kyleigh was on the couch with my little sister. Her brother also got sick in the other room!!! Thank goodness my oldest sister and Mom woke up and helped her. Then the next day my mother got it and had to back out of golf to date me, my older sister, youngest niece and father have not gotten it...UGH!
Thursday, March 21st:
Thursday morning me and Kerry went to get groceries for everyone and took my only "non sick" niece with us. Since she felt so good she carried the groceries...just kidding ... we staged this photo!
We returned home and made brownies...that is what my family does on vacation...eat LOTS of sweets!!! PS - see the Clorox wipes in the photo of Aly licking the bowl...flu cleanup!!!
Later that day the kids were feeling a little better so we went to play shuffleboard...
Action shots...all of this is FREE at the The Villages!!!!
That afternoon my Mom, Dad, oldest sister and I golfed again (see my Walmart polo???) HA!...
That night we all stayed home and worked on a puzzle hoping everyone would feel better!!!
Friday, March 22nd:
We all wanted to try line dancing lessons (also free at The Villages) so we convinced EVERYONE to come!!! Dad and Ryan included!! We had a ball - it was so fun for everyone!! We learned four dances; including a contra (where you slap hands with your neighbor)!!!
Here is the family selfie!! We were seated in chairs along the wall waiting for class to start! I have a video but they will KILL me is I post it! LOL!
Then since it was my sister and I's last day; we headed off to the pool for our final rays of sunshine. It was super hot and no clouds so we all spent A LOT of time in the water!!!
This is how the book club started...my oldest sister and Kyleigh...
And it quickly turned to this! I don't have a picture but eventually then entire family was reading in the pool!! HA HA!
We went into town that night, since it was our last, and we saw these cuties swimming in the town fountains...
So many babies...so much cuteness!!!
Saturday, March 23rd:
I was so sad when it was time to leave! My parents took us to the shuttle around 9AM on Saturday. The whole vacation seemed to go so quickly but I think it was just because I felt so sick so much of the time! Here we are on the shuttle back to the airport!
I flew home (upgraded to first class - thank goodness) still congested! This sickness has been forever!!!! But at least I can feel it letting up and breaking up more and more each day!
I could not wait to see these cuties...all four were laying in the front room when I arrived home...here is the camera shot from my house cam from when I pulled into the parking lot...
Here is an interesting little PS to this very long recap!!! My parents rent a different home in The Villages every year they go down. They only rent for March and most people in The Villages like to rent out their homes for three months (January thru March) so they have to wait until late to select theirs as most people only take a one month renter if they have not rented yet and it is January. So, long story short...of all of the houses they could have rented (literally thousands in the Villages that rent)...they rented from a friend of mine that used to live in PA! I was friends with him and his wife (they moved there two years ago) and she recently died. He has now moved in with another woman and is renting the home they shared. HOW STRANGE?!?!?! I was floored when my Dad told me who the owner was!!! LOL!!! REALLY SMALL WORLD!
Okay - so recap over! I sincerely apologize as I wanted to blog everyday and take you along on this trip but I promise I am not a happy person when I am sick so the posts would have been miserable and crotchety!!!
I will try again next month when I head to Aruba! Until then...I am catching up on all of your blogs!!! Hugs!!! I have missed you all!!!!!
Monday, March 25, 2019
Florida 2019, Better Than Home if You're Sick Pt.1
Happy Monday everyone!
I am back...finally! Did you miss me? Not too much, hugh??
I was off on vacation and I fully intended to blog everyday of vacation in Florida but I remained sick...yes sick for days after my arrival and, feeling that crappy, the very last thing I wanted to do was blog...sorry!
Let me recap vacation for you all...I will do a part one and part two. The first part was just me and my oldest sister visiting my parents and then then second part will be from Wednesday on (when my little sister arrived with her kids to stay also).
Thursday, March 14th:
This is my "I am here at the Pittsburgh airport waiting to board" photo that I sent to my sister. She was flying out of Harrisburg and her plane left about 1/2 hour after mine.
This is us at the Orlando airport when we were waiting for our shuttle to take us to The Villages. You pay a shuttle and they will drive you right to The Villages to meet your party there. My parents rent a house here every year for the month of March and we all go visit!
This is me and my sister on the shuttle! I am making that face because I have always heard that cool people sit in the back of the bus and she INSISTED on the front seats of the shuttle! HA HA! That is our bus driver with his foot on the step - his name was Jeff and he was hilarious! LOL!
My parents picked us up at the shuttle drop off in Lake Sumter and we had dinner out that night at a restaurant called Redsauce. We also sat in the square and listened to the band for a while before heading home.
Friday, March 15th:
The morning was sunny (I was still SO congested and coughing like crazy) but I went along to the pool! Here are my Mom and sister...Dad did not want to be in the photo.
After a morning at the pool we played nine holes at an executive golf course in The Villages called Hawkes Bay. Here is the selfie. On a side note: I got clubs last year for Christmas but have never played a game of real golf so this was my first! I actually did okay. I had no visor like the other golfers and I got yelled at for my t-shirt but they still allowed me to play. After this game; we ran to Walmart and I got a golf shirt! No more breaking the rules for me! Also, since I was sick; my sister and I rode in the golf cart and Mom and Dad walked.
Saturday, March 16th:
We hung out at the house and ended up doing puzzles as it was rainy most of the day. We got some groceries and I was still sick! My Mucinex was not working AT ALL and I just kept getting more and more congested!!!! My Mom suggested Tussin liquid. We got some and by the next day the congestion started to break up!!! Life saver at that point!!!!
In the evening, we went to a town square and listened to the entertainment.
Sunday, March 17th:
We hung out at the pool a little in the morning and then went to the St. Patty's Day celebration at Lake Sumter. Below are The Village Twirlers...they were awesome! They twirled fire, hoops and ribbons! Amazing!
And below are The Village Cheerleaders! They had a super cute pom pom routine for St. Patty's Day!
Here is our family selfie! This is my Mom and Dad and sister and myself! Everyone dresses up in The Villages for holidays!!! It was so much fun!
This is the entertainment that night. Each night, every one of the town squares (I think there are currently four with a fifth being built now) has a different band playing from 5 - 9PM. Drinks are very CHEAP!! Everyone has A LOT of fun - even if you don't drink like me!! HA! There is always something to do at The Villages!!!! ALWAYS! ALL DAY!
Monday, March 18th:
I was still a little sick...but definitely getting better. My sister and I decided to take a long, slow, walk through the neighborhood while my Mom and Dad played pickle ball.
We found an empty pool to get a cold morning selfie to send to her friends back home...
This shows you how bundled we were - LOL!!!
Everyone at the Villages has a name marker with their names and then names of their pets below that...so cute! I took a photo of this one since Bill and Jan are my parents names - LOL!
After our walk; we took a little golf cart ride to the grocery store for a few things we needed. Everyone there goes EVERYWHERE in their carts! It is so convenient!
That night, we went to the entertainment again! I still can not believe that I did not get any pictures because this night was the BEST!!! I ate dinner out with my sister. My parents were meeting up with the friends The Calfo's so we went out without them to a delicious Thai restaurant called Ruby Thai at Lake Sumter. I was feeling way better that evening and the entertainment was SCOOTER! He is my families favorite!!! If you are ever in The Villages you have to see him! It was so much fun - we danced the ENTIRE NIGHT!!!
Tuesday, March 19th:
Spent the day at the pool and the night at entertainment!
Part 2 to follow...Spoiler alert...more sickness to follow!!! UGH! :-)
I am back...finally! Did you miss me? Not too much, hugh??
I was off on vacation and I fully intended to blog everyday of vacation in Florida but I remained sick...yes sick for days after my arrival and, feeling that crappy, the very last thing I wanted to do was blog...sorry!
Let me recap vacation for you all...I will do a part one and part two. The first part was just me and my oldest sister visiting my parents and then then second part will be from Wednesday on (when my little sister arrived with her kids to stay also).
Thursday, March 14th:
This is my "I am here at the Pittsburgh airport waiting to board" photo that I sent to my sister. She was flying out of Harrisburg and her plane left about 1/2 hour after mine.
This is us at the Orlando airport when we were waiting for our shuttle to take us to The Villages. You pay a shuttle and they will drive you right to The Villages to meet your party there. My parents rent a house here every year for the month of March and we all go visit!
This is me and my sister on the shuttle! I am making that face because I have always heard that cool people sit in the back of the bus and she INSISTED on the front seats of the shuttle! HA HA! That is our bus driver with his foot on the step - his name was Jeff and he was hilarious! LOL!
My parents picked us up at the shuttle drop off in Lake Sumter and we had dinner out that night at a restaurant called Redsauce. We also sat in the square and listened to the band for a while before heading home.
Friday, March 15th:
The morning was sunny (I was still SO congested and coughing like crazy) but I went along to the pool! Here are my Mom and sister...Dad did not want to be in the photo.
After a morning at the pool we played nine holes at an executive golf course in The Villages called Hawkes Bay. Here is the selfie. On a side note: I got clubs last year for Christmas but have never played a game of real golf so this was my first! I actually did okay. I had no visor like the other golfers and I got yelled at for my t-shirt but they still allowed me to play. After this game; we ran to Walmart and I got a golf shirt! No more breaking the rules for me! Also, since I was sick; my sister and I rode in the golf cart and Mom and Dad walked.
Saturday, March 16th:
We hung out at the house and ended up doing puzzles as it was rainy most of the day. We got some groceries and I was still sick! My Mucinex was not working AT ALL and I just kept getting more and more congested!!!! My Mom suggested Tussin liquid. We got some and by the next day the congestion started to break up!!! Life saver at that point!!!!
In the evening, we went to a town square and listened to the entertainment.
Sunday, March 17th:
We hung out at the pool a little in the morning and then went to the St. Patty's Day celebration at Lake Sumter. Below are The Village Twirlers...they were awesome! They twirled fire, hoops and ribbons! Amazing!
And below are The Village Cheerleaders! They had a super cute pom pom routine for St. Patty's Day!
Here is our family selfie! This is my Mom and Dad and sister and myself! Everyone dresses up in The Villages for holidays!!! It was so much fun!
This is the entertainment that night. Each night, every one of the town squares (I think there are currently four with a fifth being built now) has a different band playing from 5 - 9PM. Drinks are very CHEAP!! Everyone has A LOT of fun - even if you don't drink like me!! HA! There is always something to do at The Villages!!!! ALWAYS! ALL DAY!
Monday, March 18th:
I was still a little sick...but definitely getting better. My sister and I decided to take a long, slow, walk through the neighborhood while my Mom and Dad played pickle ball.
We found an empty pool to get a cold morning selfie to send to her friends back home...
This shows you how bundled we were - LOL!!!
Everyone at the Villages has a name marker with their names and then names of their pets below that...so cute! I took a photo of this one since Bill and Jan are my parents names - LOL!
After our walk; we took a little golf cart ride to the grocery store for a few things we needed. Everyone there goes EVERYWHERE in their carts! It is so convenient!
That night, we went to the entertainment again! I still can not believe that I did not get any pictures because this night was the BEST!!! I ate dinner out with my sister. My parents were meeting up with the friends The Calfo's so we went out without them to a delicious Thai restaurant called Ruby Thai at Lake Sumter. I was feeling way better that evening and the entertainment was SCOOTER! He is my families favorite!!! If you are ever in The Villages you have to see him! It was so much fun - we danced the ENTIRE NIGHT!!!
Tuesday, March 19th:
Spent the day at the pool and the night at entertainment!
Part 2 to follow...Spoiler alert...more sickness to follow!!! UGH! :-)
Friday, March 15, 2019
It's Bro-Man's Birthday!!!
Happy birthday to one of my favorite people...my adorable nephew Brody!!!
He is turning 8 today!!!
This little boy is the sweetest and most enthusiastic boy you will ever meet!!! He never says a mean thing about anyone and always has a huge smile!
He is constantly in motion and is always up to play any sport on the planet!!! He loves to play soccer, baseball, basketball, flag football and REALLY loves ice hockey!!
Such a cutie!!!!
#1 cheering fan for the Steelers games...he swings his terrible towel like there is no tomorrow!!!
I absolutely adore this sweet, loving little dude!!!! He has also promised me front row seats when he is a professional hockey player so you heard it here!!! You are my witnesses!!!
I hope you have a day as fantastic as you are Brody! Aunt Annie loves you so many bunches!!!
He is turning 8 today!!!
This little boy is the sweetest and most enthusiastic boy you will ever meet!!! He never says a mean thing about anyone and always has a huge smile!
He is constantly in motion and is always up to play any sport on the planet!!! He loves to play soccer, baseball, basketball, flag football and REALLY loves ice hockey!!
Such a cutie!!!!
#1 cheering fan for the Steelers games...he swings his terrible towel like there is no tomorrow!!!
I absolutely adore this sweet, loving little dude!!!! He has also promised me front row seats when he is a professional hockey player so you heard it here!!! You are my witnesses!!!
I hope you have a day as fantastic as you are Brody! Aunt Annie loves you so many bunches!!!
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Wednesday Medley - Help Someone Somewhere
Happy Hump Day Ya'll!!!
Guess what today is...
Guess what today is...
Good Samaritan Day is observed on March 13th. This day is also known
as Good Samaritan Involvement Day. This is a day for unselfish actions
to help those in need and to celebrate kindness.
term “good Samaritan” comes from the Bible parable where a Samaritan
helped a stranger who had been robbed and beaten and left to die by the
side of the road. The Samaritan not only cleaned the man’s wounds and
clothed him, but took him to an inn where he paid for the man’s care.
The term is used today to describe those who perform acts of kindness for those in need, especially those who are strangers.
Make an effort to help someone who is struggling or having a problem. Use #GoodSamaritanDay to post on social media.
Also, join in with the Wednesday Medley by answering the questions below and then heading over to Terri's blog (our gracious host every week) to add your link and make new friends!!!
1. When did someone come to your rescue and can you tell us about it? My parents actually saved my butt recently! I was following them home from a Steeler's game and my tire popped! It was crazy and scary and my Dad came and put my spare tire on for me! If it were not for them I would have been there forever trying to figure out how to do it. I watched carefully so I CAN do it next time if a next time comes - fingers crossed there is not a next time...hee!
2. When did you help someone out of a jam and can you tell us about it? I honestly can not come up with something which tells me I need to step up my game on Good Samaritan Day!!
3. What are your thoughts on being a good Samaritan? Some states (like Florida) have even passed Good Samaritan laws so you don't get into trouble with the law for trying to help someone. I am CPR trained so I really appreciate those laws...without them I may decline to help. FAR too many people are sue happy these days!
4. Thursday is National Pi Day. It's a fun play on the date 3.14. Will you have some pie to celebrate? Nopper...but it is cute! :-)
5. Did you know that Pi is the most studied number in mathematics? Are you good with numbers? No I am not and I am also (not surprisingly) not good at math...ick! My sister and father made fun of me when we were installing my new floors: when I measured I would say "2 small dashes past the 8 inch mark" LOL!!! It worked for me!
6. Tell us something random about your week. I am leaving soon for Florida and aside from feeling a little sick...I can not wait to leave! My out of office for email is already set-up to turn on automatically at 3:30PM! I will not even think about work ONCE while I am gone!
I can not wait to go read everyone's answers!!! Have a fantastic hump day and please go help someone in some way today! HUGS TO YOU ALL!
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Passing Around My Cooties
I am so sad!!
I woke up this morning sick! My throat is killing me!
I leave in two days for Florida...I can't be sick...please!
I popped four aspirins and headed into work.
Since they announced the closing of our company site; HR has quietly changed the sick policy. It used to be that if we are sick we just stayed home and called in...no biggie unless it was more than three consecutive days and then you had to call and let the company know. Now, if we are sick we have to use vacation days! WHAT?!?! Seriously, corporations really make me angry sometimes. I think it is due to the fact that they do not want people calling off sick to go to job interviews.
Anyway...all that to say...I will not be using vacation days to be sick. I will drag my sick a$$ into work and infect everyone else I guess.
Please send me healing wishes as I do not want to be too sick to fly in two days...UGH!
Thanks in advance for all the healing prayers and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
I am so sad!!
I woke up this morning sick! My throat is killing me!
I leave in two days for Florida...I can't be sick...please!
I popped four aspirins and headed into work.
Since they announced the closing of our company site; HR has quietly changed the sick policy. It used to be that if we are sick we just stayed home and called in...no biggie unless it was more than three consecutive days and then you had to call and let the company know. Now, if we are sick we have to use vacation days! WHAT?!?! Seriously, corporations really make me angry sometimes. I think it is due to the fact that they do not want people calling off sick to go to job interviews.
Anyway...all that to say...I will not be using vacation days to be sick. I will drag my sick a$$ into work and infect everyone else I guess.
Please send me healing wishes as I do not want to be too sick to fly in two days...UGH!
Thanks in advance for all the healing prayers and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Monday, March 11, 2019
Half Asleep Monday
Happy Monday morning everyone!
I am going to be half asleep at work today due to the time change and weekend activity.
I drove to Columbus Friday after work to help with my nieces dance competition on Saturday.
We all went out to dinner at Liberty Tavern in Powell, Ohio. It was fantastic food! I shared a buffalo chicken wrap with my niece and it was fantastic!!!
Here is my niece, Aly, posing with the replica of Lady Liberty herself!
After dinner we went home to chill, catch up with each other and watch some TV. Here me and Aly are chilling on the couch!
On Saturday morning we headed out to the dance competition at Vern Riffe Center in Columbus.
Here is my sisters coffee lid from GetGo...looks like a panda or a sloth, no??? HA!
It was a long and fun day of hair, makeup, lashes and costume changes. I love being a Dance Aunt with my whole being! My sisters and I danced our entire childhoods so I miss the excitement of the competition! I have no kids so it is so fun for me to help out with my nieces so much!!!
There is a game changer in the world of cheer and dance competitions. At these competitions, everyone has a makeup suitcase and and dance/outfit bag. Here is what I am talking about...
You have to have all of your makeup and hair accessories together and readily accessible so everyone has one of these...
And you also have to be ready for any emergency...ripped tights (extra pairs available) even STATIC CLING or STRAY HAIRS. So, you bring a bag with anything you could possibly need inside that also has a pull out rack to hang costumes on so they do not wrinkle or get dirty. Everyone had one of these...nifty, hugh??
So now imagine 5000 girls in the small roped off changing areas with their Moms and dance Aunts and Grandmas and friends, etc. Everyone one of them has the above items...it is REALLY crowded to say the least! Some mothers make circles and have an open area in the middle for their kids....really not polite when everyone is really crowded in together. So, the kids all change in front of each other.
At this competition we started to see these!!!!
They are a pop up and easily portable changing tent!!!! It is 3 foot by 3 foot and 6 feet high. If nothing else, they keep everyone out of your little 3 foot space!!! There were a lot of them and to me, they are a game changer. My nieces are at the age where they don't want to strip down in the middle of a crowd and I felt the same when I was their age! I would have loved to have one of these when I was a kid!
So, to thank them for allowing me to help, I bought them one for the next competition!!! It should arrive at their house this week!! YIPPEE!
So, onto the dancers!!! Here is Aly (front row in the pink) during her Musical Theater number...
And here is Aly and Kyleigh...Aly in the back and Kyleigh in the front of their lyrical dance number they are in together! The music was God Blessed the Broken Road (one of my favorites).
And finally Kyleigh is on the left in this picture for her tap routine.
I wanted to post the videos but apparently I am not allowed until competition season is over. That is according to their dance teacher so I will respect that...I suppose! HA!
It was a really long day - awards were at 10:45 PM...yes, crazy right?!?! The kids were all peppy and awake but I would not say the same for the adults! HA!
We got home around midnight and then lost an hour because of the time change.
We had to get up at 7AM so my sister and her family could drive 4 hours to Kentucky for a volleyball competition. Yes, for a day!!! So I drove back to PA Sunday morning. I talked to my sister last night and they were headed home around 10PM last night.
I did not go along because I would not have gotten home until 2AM and I would not have made it to work today - HA!
Thanks to my sister and her girls for always making me feel needed and wanted as your dance Aunt! I love you so many bunches!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend as well...I am heading to your blogs now to read all about it!!! HUGS!
Every dance or cheer in competitions? How about changing in front of others in gym class, ugh!?!? Travel over the weekend? Did you do anything fun last weekend?
I am going to be half asleep at work today due to the time change and weekend activity.
I drove to Columbus Friday after work to help with my nieces dance competition on Saturday.
We all went out to dinner at Liberty Tavern in Powell, Ohio. It was fantastic food! I shared a buffalo chicken wrap with my niece and it was fantastic!!!
Here is my niece, Aly, posing with the replica of Lady Liberty herself!
After dinner we went home to chill, catch up with each other and watch some TV. Here me and Aly are chilling on the couch!
On Saturday morning we headed out to the dance competition at Vern Riffe Center in Columbus.
Here is my sisters coffee lid from GetGo...looks like a panda or a sloth, no??? HA!
It was a long and fun day of hair, makeup, lashes and costume changes. I love being a Dance Aunt with my whole being! My sisters and I danced our entire childhoods so I miss the excitement of the competition! I have no kids so it is so fun for me to help out with my nieces so much!!!
There is a game changer in the world of cheer and dance competitions. At these competitions, everyone has a makeup suitcase and and dance/outfit bag. Here is what I am talking about...
You have to have all of your makeup and hair accessories together and readily accessible so everyone has one of these...
And you also have to be ready for any emergency...ripped tights (extra pairs available) even STATIC CLING or STRAY HAIRS. So, you bring a bag with anything you could possibly need inside that also has a pull out rack to hang costumes on so they do not wrinkle or get dirty. Everyone had one of these...nifty, hugh??
So now imagine 5000 girls in the small roped off changing areas with their Moms and dance Aunts and Grandmas and friends, etc. Everyone one of them has the above items...it is REALLY crowded to say the least! Some mothers make circles and have an open area in the middle for their kids....really not polite when everyone is really crowded in together. So, the kids all change in front of each other.
At this competition we started to see these!!!!
They are a pop up and easily portable changing tent!!!! It is 3 foot by 3 foot and 6 feet high. If nothing else, they keep everyone out of your little 3 foot space!!! There were a lot of them and to me, they are a game changer. My nieces are at the age where they don't want to strip down in the middle of a crowd and I felt the same when I was their age! I would have loved to have one of these when I was a kid!
So, to thank them for allowing me to help, I bought them one for the next competition!!! It should arrive at their house this week!! YIPPEE!
So, onto the dancers!!! Here is Aly (front row in the pink) during her Musical Theater number...
And here is Aly and Kyleigh...Aly in the back and Kyleigh in the front of their lyrical dance number they are in together! The music was God Blessed the Broken Road (one of my favorites).
And finally Kyleigh is on the left in this picture for her tap routine.
I wanted to post the videos but apparently I am not allowed until competition season is over. That is according to their dance teacher so I will respect that...I suppose! HA!
It was a really long day - awards were at 10:45 PM...yes, crazy right?!?! The kids were all peppy and awake but I would not say the same for the adults! HA!
We got home around midnight and then lost an hour because of the time change.
We had to get up at 7AM so my sister and her family could drive 4 hours to Kentucky for a volleyball competition. Yes, for a day!!! So I drove back to PA Sunday morning. I talked to my sister last night and they were headed home around 10PM last night.
I did not go along because I would not have gotten home until 2AM and I would not have made it to work today - HA!
Thanks to my sister and her girls for always making me feel needed and wanted as your dance Aunt! I love you so many bunches!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend as well...I am heading to your blogs now to read all about it!!! HUGS!
Every dance or cheer in competitions? How about changing in front of others in gym class, ugh!?!? Travel over the weekend? Did you do anything fun last weekend?
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