Hi everyone! It's time for a little late but fun Easter recap!! When went to do this post today I realized that I hardly took any pictures at all this year! I must have been enjoying myself too much and forgot! OOPS!
Well, here I what I have...
I spent the Easter in Harrisburg. My parents usually have all kids and spouses and kids tot their house but they are still in Florida this year since Easter cam so early. My sister stepped up and decided to have everyone at her house. My little brother and his family could not attend due to medical issues they are facing right now but both sisters and their families were there. We missed Matt and his family and Mom and Dad but it was nice to be together. Also, my BF came this holiday which was a first.
Here are the kids Easter morning with their baskets from the bunny.
And here are the instructions for the egg hunt (this is my duty every year and I love it more each year)!!! This year we followed the Pinterest idea and had each kid find a certain color so everything was even.
Ready for the egg hunt...
And they are off!!!!!
From the time "the bunny" put the eggs out and the kids went out to look for them only about five minutes had elapsed. One of the kids found this egg....apparently in those five minutes, a groundhog or bunny found the egg first and ate it open and stole her miniature chocolate bar. That makes for one awesome Easter story to tell! LOL! Please excuse my nails...I have spent the past two weeks coloring eggs.
Here are the kids with bunny - we went to see him at the Mall on Saturday. Everyone is smiling, no one is scared of the bunny anymore - LOL! (On a side note: do you love the little girls lips? I gave them a sample of lip gloss that I received and it is literally NEON! Their mother wanted to kill me...ha ha).
Here is a small selection of the awesome eggs we decorated. The kids did a great job and were so creative!
I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! One more day left in the week! WHOOP!
What is your favorite part of Easter? decorating eggs? egg hunt? visiting the bunny?
Take care everyone!
Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Visit Joyce and join the fun!
1. What are two or three expectations you have of yourself?
a. I expect myself to bring joy to others and not hurt or pain
b. I expect myself to be there as much as I can for my family
c. I expect myself to always be the best I can be in any given situation and follow God's will each day
2. In what way does your outdoor space need sprucing up this spring?
I live in a condo so I spruce up my patio every year with LOTS do flowers as you can see in the photo below. This year, I will get to do outdoor at my BF's house too though. We are planning to build a waterfall and pond with fishes!!! I am really excited for that project! If anyone has plans to share on one they have completed....I am all ears!!!
3. According to this site (Roadtrippers), six of North America's most wondrous waterfalls are-Webster's Falls in Ontario, Upper Whitewater Falls in North Carolina, Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon, Multnomah Falls in Oregon, The Lower Yellowstone Falls, and Niagara. Have you seen any on the list? Which one on the list would you most like to visit? Prettiest waterfall not on the list that you've seen in person?
I have seen Niagara but it was so long ago I do not remember any of it. I would definitely like to plan a trip there soon though! I love a good waterfall...see answer 2 above - hee hee!
4. Looking back, what's something you wish you'd done as a teenager?
Nothing! I did it all. Not a single regret either! I love the person I am today and I think all the mistakes and screw-ups made me this way! My mother on the other hand may have a different answer for this one - she lost a LOT of sleep! Sorry Mom!
5. Ham...yes please or no thank you? If you said yes please which of the following do you like best-baked ham with all the trimmings, a ham and cheese sandwich, prosciutto with melon, a ham biscuit, a bowl of split pea and ham soup, or a slice of pizza topped with ham and pineapple?
Ham, no thank you. I prefer a good Honeybaked turkey breast! YUMMO!
6. Are you typical of your generation? How so?
I am not sure. I do not like to think that any generation has a stereotype.
7. April rolls in at the end of the week, and in keeping with that theme...'act the fool', 'nobody's fool', 'a fool's errand', 'could have fooled me'...which foolish idiom most recently applies to you? Explain.
I love Act the Fool! If you cant laugh at yourself then you are not living. I have realized that I am such a tiny part of this whole big world...I am not that important at all! LOL - pretty amazing actually!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I just hope everyone has an amazing Wednesday and I can't wait to read everyone's answers!
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Hi! I hope eveyrone is having an awesome early Spring!!!
I was sent a Vox Box from Influenster to review the products inside.
I received a lot of really great stuff and I have to say that one of my favorites was the razor and shave cream from Venus! I was sent the Venus Shave gel in Voilet Swirl and Gillette Venus Embrace Sensitive razors for women.
I had not tried any of these new razors for women as I am a traditional "use your dads razor" kind of girl.
My Dad gave me his old Shick razor years ago and I just keep getting new blades for it.
Now that I have tried this razor I cannot believe the difference!
I absolutely love the handle and the design of the razor - it has these ergonomic gripes on it that makes it so easy to hold and use and five blades. The razor just glides so smoothly!!!
My legs felt amazing after I was done! It probably helps that I used the awesome shave gel that they sent me also! The Violet Stripe that I received smelled so good! I have to be honest, I usually just use water in the shower and no cream at all.
Well, I am sold! My legs are smoother than they have ever been! Give them a shot! I promise you will love these products! And your legs will too!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
I was sent a Vox Box from Influenster to review the products inside.
I received a lot of really great stuff and I have to say that one of my favorites was the razor and shave cream from Venus! I was sent the Venus Shave gel in Voilet Swirl and Gillette Venus Embrace Sensitive razors for women.
I had not tried any of these new razors for women as I am a traditional "use your dads razor" kind of girl.
My Dad gave me his old Shick razor years ago and I just keep getting new blades for it.
Now that I have tried this razor I cannot believe the difference!
I absolutely love the handle and the design of the razor - it has these ergonomic gripes on it that makes it so easy to hold and use and five blades. The razor just glides so smoothly!!!
My legs felt amazing after I was done! It probably helps that I used the awesome shave gel that they sent me also! The Violet Stripe that I received smelled so good! I have to be honest, I usually just use water in the shower and no cream at all.
Well, I am sold! My legs are smoother than they have ever been! Give them a shot! I promise you will love these products! And your legs will too!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Friday, March 25, 2016
Cutex Rocks
Hi friends! I see these all the time and I was finally given the opportunity by Influenster to review products! Yeah! So fun!
I was sent a complimentary pack of Cutex Nail Polish removers to test and review.
ONE pad took the polish off both hands and I had two coats on!
It also left my nails moisturizer as compared to most regular polished that dries them out. I really like this product and will be running to the store today to stock up!
Give them a try.... I promise you will be pleased. These will be my new go to for travel! Now signing off to go find the perfect spent polish color for Easter weekend!
Enjoy! I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
Anyone else try these?
What was your opinion?
What is your favorite spring color?
I was sent a complimentary pack of Cutex Nail Polish removers to test and review.
I have tried polish pads in the past and they just did not work as well as regular polish on a cotton ball. Also, it seemed like a waste of money when it took more than three pads to do all ten nails.
Well, these new pads are great!ONE pad took the polish off both hands and I had two coats on!
It also left my nails moisturizer as compared to most regular polished that dries them out. I really like this product and will be running to the store today to stock up!
Give them a try.... I promise you will be pleased. These will be my new go to for travel! Now signing off to go find the perfect spent polish color for Easter weekend!
Enjoy! I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
Anyone else try these?
What was your opinion?
What is your favorite spring color?
Monday, March 21, 2016
The Who LIVE
Hi internet peeps! I cannot wait to tell you how awesome my week was last week! Thanks to my BF I got to attend the Who Concert in Pittsburgh! It was held at the Consol Energy Center and it was EPIC!
I have loved The Who since I was in middle school! I used to sit for hours and listen to their albums in my room! LOVE LOVE LOVE them - so the opportunity to see them was nothing short of awesome!
I have to say, it was by far my very favorite concert EVER! I love me some Kidrock but this concert was amazing! They sounded exactly like they did on their albums and it is 30 years later!
Here are a few pictures...
This was on the jumbo-tron screen when the music started playing...
Here is a picture of me and my sweetie! He was wearing his tye-dye shirt from their last tour!
A little collage...Pete Townsend on the left and Roger Daulterey on the right...
Another of them together! They sounded awesome and played awesome! Pictures of Lily was amazing! Also, Pinball Wizard and See Me were KILLER!
The songs took me back to a much simpler time and it truly was an amazing experience! If you like The Who and they are coming to your town make sure to go...you WILL NOT be disappointed...for ages 70 and 72 they still play and sound like they are 25!!!
After the concert, my BF had to stop in a store for something and I waited in the truck. He came knocking on my window with flowers - surprise! Does it get any better?!?! NOPE! Love him so much!
What concerts have you seen lately?
Do you have a special song that is emotional for you?
Do you love The Who too?!?!
Happy Monday to you all - I hope you all have an amazing week!
I have loved The Who since I was in middle school! I used to sit for hours and listen to their albums in my room! LOVE LOVE LOVE them - so the opportunity to see them was nothing short of awesome!
I have to say, it was by far my very favorite concert EVER! I love me some Kidrock but this concert was amazing! They sounded exactly like they did on their albums and it is 30 years later!
Here are a few pictures...
This was on the jumbo-tron screen when the music started playing...
Here is a picture of me and my sweetie! He was wearing his tye-dye shirt from their last tour!
A little collage...Pete Townsend on the left and Roger Daulterey on the right...
Another of them together! They sounded awesome and played awesome! Pictures of Lily was amazing! Also, Pinball Wizard and See Me were KILLER!
The songs took me back to a much simpler time and it truly was an amazing experience! If you like The Who and they are coming to your town make sure to go...you WILL NOT be disappointed...for ages 70 and 72 they still play and sound like they are 25!!!
After the concert, my BF had to stop in a store for something and I waited in the truck. He came knocking on my window with flowers - surprise! Does it get any better?!?! NOPE! Love him so much!
What concerts have you seen lately?
Do you have a special song that is emotional for you?
Do you love The Who too?!?!
Happy Monday to you all - I hope you all have an amazing week!
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Wednesday Hodgepodge
I am linking up with all my buddies again for Wednesday Hodgepodge! I you want to join in, grab the button above and answer all the questions...then link up Here!
1. February ended with an extra 24 hours in 2016. What did you do with your bonus day?
Since it was Monday I had to work so nothing special happened at all. :-(
2. What's something in your life that's grown by leaps and bounds in recent days, weeks, months, or years? I'm giving you lots of room to come up with an answer here, so no fair passing on this one.
I guess my sense of what I want in life. I feel very stagnant and like I need a big change so I am pursuing that! I think I will change a lot of things - especially how I approach what I want. It may sound selfish but I put others in front of myself A LOT an that is going to change. No more going out of my way for someone unless it truly is something I WANT to do. I do not want to waste any more precious time taking care of others. My family is the exception to this...LOL!
3. Do you read reviews about a film before deciding if you'll see it? Did you watch The Oscars this year, and if so your thoughts on the program? How many of the Best Picture nominees had you seen prior to the broadcast? (Spotlight, The Martian, The Big Short, The Revenant, Mad Max: Fury Road, Room, and Brooklyn) If you watched The Oscars who gets your award for 'best dressed'?
I do not go to see a lot of movies. I saw Sisters recently but have not seen any of the nominated films. I did not watch much of the Oscars either...just seems very extravagant to me!
4. When did you last have overnight house guests? Give us your top three tips on being a good house guest.
My sister and mom stayed over a few months ago.
1- Love cats - I have three so this is a must 2- Keep your area clean and tidy 3- Make sure you come back soon! I LOVE company!
5. March 2nd is Peanut Butter Lover's Day. Will you be celebrating? If so, would you prefer a home made peanut butter cookie, a Reese's peanut butter cup, an old fashioned peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or shall I just hand you a jar and a tablespoon?
Now that I know this I will! I LOVE any excuse to eat peanut butter! Just a jar and spoon works for me!!
6. Why is failure important? Or isn't it?
Failure teaches us that we WILL NOT succeed every time but that does not make s less of a person. We will always be human and some people are just better than others at certain things. As a parent, if you let you child win and make them think they are the best at everything, they will NEVER find their strength. I think knowing your strengths and weaknesses if a very important aspect of discovering our true selves!
7. Share with us one fun thing on your March calendar.
GOING TO FLORIDA - need I say more?!?!?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
This week is crawling by...vacation starts next week so we cannot get through this one fast enough - LOL!!!! So much for not wasting precious time, right?!?! LOL
I hope you all have an amazing Tuesday! I cannot wait to meet you all and hear your answers!
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Adjusting Sails
Hi! Yes...hi everyone! I am still alive and I am so sorry that I have been such a crappy blogger lately!
I will be picking things up a notch here! PROMISE!
The tides are turning and I am adjusting my sails, so to speak!
Stay tuned as I take control of MY life and MY happiness!
I am starting to feel stagnant, like I am not growing or changing, and that is not good for me so I am ready to shake things up here!
I hope you will ALL come along for the ride! I am sure that things will be getting very interesting around here soon!
Hee Hee! How's that for a teaser?
Please don't abandon me now loyal readers!
I care about each and every one of you and I will make sure I make that much more apparent in the weeks and months to come with lots of interesting life posts and giveaways! PROMISE!
Thanks for you undying readership, comments and support! You are an amazing bunch of friends...stay tuned!!!
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