Better late than never, right?!?!
I am joining up (One day late) with Kristin at Adventures in Mitchell"ville" for her 25 Days of Christmas Blog Hop.
Hop on over and join in....each day is a different pre-determined post - I think it is going to be fun!!!!!!!
Day 2 - What’s on your wish list this year?
I honestly cannot figure out one thing to tell people.
I wish it was due to the fact that I don't want for anything but the reality is that when I want something I just buy it for myself...maybe in the future I should show some resolve and make myself wait and give others the ideas for Christmas
Anyway I am left saying "I do not know of anything I need"!
WOW!!! That is eye opening!
I would have to say possibly a Kindle, giftcards for massages/manis/pedis and cash at this point - pretty sad, I know! I need to stop spoiling myself with everything I want!
I have been going back and forth on the Kindle as I love to HOLD a real book and I am not sure I would like the whole Kindle ambience which is the ONLY reason I have not yet purchased one - HA!
Can't wait to read everyone elses lists!
ooooo.... a kindle! That's a good one! not that i really have time to read books. but that would be nice for when i'm at work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining in!