I am having on of those days that I dread!
I woke up in a panic as the alarm did not go off this morning.
I was scheduled for a 7 - 9AM meeting at work and Waliacha had to find out where he was working today at 7AM...
Alarm was set for 6:00AM and apparently it decided we should keep sleeping.
First thing I see this AM is Waliacha leaning over me saying "It's 8 o clock..."
I was in a panic and he was in a panic and it has been downhill from there.
This was day 2 of his new side job and after the "alarm incident" he no longer has to report to this side job. I can't believe that they let someone go for missing the alarm one day but I am sure this guy has his reasons for not giving out second chances. I just feel soooooo awful as it really is not his fault! Years ago this was a common thing for me (and probably Waliacha) however, this NEVER happens anymore (except today). I am a responsible member of society and a responsible employee but sometimes crap happens, right? Well, I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason" so I guess it is back to the drawing board for Waliachas job hunt...
My job on the other hand, is fine I just feel off kilter and guilty for missing that meeting! I spoke with the person the meeting was with and he ended up doing the stuff all himself. I appologized and that is all I can do...but, that icky-old feeling of letting someone down is back - I HATE THAT FEELING.
With this post I am officially letting myself and Waliacha off the hook for the alarm incident and moving forward! Thanks for listening!!!!!!!! The day starts HERE! Make it a great one!
And I am buying a new alarm clock!!!!!!!
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I am commenting to let you know I'm here and so grateful you are...thank you!!!!
ReplyDeletexo Gabi
oh my gosh that sucks :( We each have our own alarm. When I went back to work I would have to either reset the alarm (he gets up earlier) or keep waking up to see what time it was. AND he would set the clock ahead of time which drove me nuts!