I am linking up with Mamas Losin It today!
I selected number one to write about....
1. Last week we wrote about what we have never done…this week write a list of 22 things you HAVE done. (inspired by Sellabit Mom)
1. Twirled baton as a performer on a crusie ship
2. Sang on stage with Bobby Vinton
3. Met the performers of Cats years ago in NY
4. Got fired from my first job - McDonald's (by no fault of my own)
5. Married and divorced
6. Went to rehab-Stayed sober 15 years now and counting!!!!
7. Have my tongue pierced
8. Bought my first home alone with no help from "A Man"
9. Won Grand National Champions with my Twirling Corps
10. Used to complete every summer at Notre Dame
11. Was a majorette in High School
12. Cheated on a Spanish test and was caught
13. Got detention in Middle School for spraying air freshner on the school bus
14. LOVE rock climbing and repeling
15. Have two tatoos (very hidden)
16. Lost close to 100 pounds three years ago - kept MOST of it off :-)
17. Just got out of a three year relationship...feeling better than I thought I would
18. Used to be a waitress all through high school and college
19. Actually met Kidrock in person!
20. Become an Aunt 8 times!
21. Became a certified Green Belt in Six Sigma
22. Started a blog and and now it is one of my favorite pastimes and a great way I am meeting new people and making new friends!!
Can't wait to read what eveyrone wrote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New friends await!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Gifts coming soon!
Pumps and Chicks
Here are a few of my pumpkins lit up on the patio...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
If you'd like to play along with this weeks We Want to Know Wednesday you can go by Mamarazzi's, Queso's or Crazymama's blogs and grab their button and the questions.
1. When was the last time you lost your temper?
About two months ago when I kicked my boyfriend of three years COMPLELY out of my life - at times I get a little lonely but in all reality, I am pretty darn happy and stress free now!!
2. What 3 words best describe you?
Happy, sober, genuine.
3. What movie could you watch over and over again and never get tired of?
Joe Dirt - my all time favorite for stupid humor!!!!!!! LOVE IT! Favorite quote from the movie "Life's a garden - dig it!"
4. If you could do something dangerous, just once, with no risk, what would you do?
Run off with a SEXY stranger to a foreign land...ha - just kidding....I think I would sky dive...and someday I might even though there is risk - HA!
5. Which is more important, intelligence or common sense?
Definitely COMMON SENSE...without common sense you are simply dumb as a box of rocks and nothing else maters anyway! LOL
HAPPY hump day!
1. When was the last time you lost your temper?
About two months ago when I kicked my boyfriend of three years COMPLELY out of my life - at times I get a little lonely but in all reality, I am pretty darn happy and stress free now!!
2. What 3 words best describe you?
Happy, sober, genuine.
3. What movie could you watch over and over again and never get tired of?
Joe Dirt - my all time favorite for stupid humor!!!!!!! LOVE IT! Favorite quote from the movie "Life's a garden - dig it!"
4. If you could do something dangerous, just once, with no risk, what would you do?
Run off with a SEXY stranger to a foreign land...ha - just kidding....I think I would sky dive...and someday I might even though there is risk - HA!
5. Which is more important, intelligence or common sense?
Definitely COMMON SENSE...without common sense you are simply dumb as a box of rocks and nothing else maters anyway! LOL
HAPPY hump day!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
PUMPKINS carve-a-thon
Here is how I spent my Sunday night...
Many, many pumpkins to carve~!~! I was supposed to be going out of town for business next week and wanted to have them all done - now I have been postponed until Jan 2012 for the trip so I can enjoy my already carved punpkins for TWO whole weeks!!
Here is most of them after they were gutted and the seeds removed...I roast the seeds....YUM!!!

Here is my favorite of the night...
Many, many pumpkins to carve~!~! I was supposed to be going out of town for business next week and wanted to have them all done - now I have been postponed until Jan 2012 for the trip so I can enjoy my already carved punpkins for TWO whole weeks!!
Here is most of them after they were gutted and the seeds removed...I roast the seeds....YUM!!!

Here is my favorite of the night...
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Birchbox October
Yippee - I got my newest Birchbox!!!
I am sooo glad that I decided to subscribe to this - it is like a little gift for myself each month!!!
I am sooo glad that I decided to subscribe to this - it is like a little gift for myself each month!!!
Here is the box.......
And the goodies!!!!!!!!

This month was facial mask, green tea mints, lip enhancer, hair glosser and blinc mascara - I have only tried the mascara so far and I love it!!!!!!! I goes on sooo smooth and NO clumps!!! It forms thhese little tubes around your lashes and then washes off with the tube intact!! Awesome product that I will definitely be buying!!!!

Try it...you'll like it!!!!!!!!!!! Let them know I sent you and I will get a few extra shopping points - after trying these products and loving them each time...I need all the shopping points I can get! HA!!

This month was facial mask, green tea mints, lip enhancer, hair glosser and blinc mascara - I have only tried the mascara so far and I love it!!!!!!! I goes on sooo smooth and NO clumps!!! It forms thhese little tubes around your lashes and then washes off with the tube intact!! Awesome product that I will definitely be buying!!!!

Try it...you'll like it!!!!!!!!!!! Let them know I sent you and I will get a few extra shopping points - after trying these products and loving them each time...I need all the shopping points I can get! HA!!
I know I am supposed to wait but cannot contain my excitement or my thanks!!!
I participated in Swapoween with Beth and Miss Angie!!!
I have to say I had an amazing time getting to know my swap buddy Becca through her posts on her blog Everyday Life - one thing was made very clear...she is a fun loving gal that is NOT a girly-girl!!! LOL!! I hope I shopped well for you and I hope you love everything I picked out!!! I loved everything you sent~~could not have shopped for myself any better!!! HA!
I have to say thank you again...I truly loved everything you sent me!!!!!! AWESOME Halloween gift selections!! I got more excited with each thing I pulled out of the box!!!!!!!!! I have to say also, we think A LOT alike as we bought each other the EXACT same candy dish and a lot of the same things (kitchen towels, decor, socks....HA!!!!)!
Here is the box - I could hardly wait to tear it open and then I remembered I should document this occasion!!! HA!

The EXACT same candy dish I sent to Becca!!! HILLARIOUS!

A cute snow globe - this now resides on my TV!!!!!!!

Two awesome kitchen towels and some cool bat socks - I WILL be sporting these any chance possible!!!!

A HUGE candy jar of Candy Corn...another personal favorite - I will definitely not be losing any weight between now and Halloween!

She also sent this awesome blowup cat - here is a shot of the other cats inspecting it (okay so maybe not inspecting it but how gross - trying to smell its butt!!!!!!!!)HA HA!

And last but definitely not least my new coffee cups!!!!! I do not drink wine or soda but I will be enjoying my coffee in these as I love to enjoy the ambiance of halloween!!!!!!! NICE!
I promise I will post this again on the proper "swapoween" posting date!! HA!
I participated in Swapoween with Beth and Miss Angie!!!
I have to say I had an amazing time getting to know my swap buddy Becca through her posts on her blog Everyday Life - one thing was made very clear...she is a fun loving gal that is NOT a girly-girl!!! LOL!! I hope I shopped well for you and I hope you love everything I picked out!!! I loved everything you sent~~could not have shopped for myself any better!!! HA!
I have to say thank you again...I truly loved everything you sent me!!!!!! AWESOME Halloween gift selections!! I got more excited with each thing I pulled out of the box!!!!!!!!! I have to say also, we think A LOT alike as we bought each other the EXACT same candy dish and a lot of the same things (kitchen towels, decor, socks....HA!!!!)!
Here is the box - I could hardly wait to tear it open and then I remembered I should document this occasion!!! HA!

Awesome skeleton necklaces...I will be wearing these as Halloween draws nearer however right now- they are being used as curtain ties in my guest room to add to the decor....

The EXACT same candy dish I sent to Becca!!! HILLARIOUS!

A cute snow globe - this now resides on my TV!!!!!!!

Two awesome kitchen towels and some cool bat socks - I WILL be sporting these any chance possible!!!!

A HUGE candy jar of Candy Corn...another personal favorite - I will definitely not be losing any weight between now and Halloween!

She also sent this awesome blowup cat - here is a shot of the other cats inspecting it (okay so maybe not inspecting it but how gross - trying to smell its butt!!!!!!!!)HA HA!

And last but definitely not least my new coffee cups!!!!! I do not drink wine or soda but I will be enjoying my coffee in these as I love to enjoy the ambiance of halloween!!!!!!! NICE!
Thanks again Becca and I hope you love your loot as much as I love mine!!!!!!!!!
I promise I will post this again on the proper "swapoween" posting date!! HA!
We Want to Know Wednesday
With Fall upon us and seasonal allergies and colds going around...Crazymama wants to know:
When Illness Strikes.........
{1} What is your feel better remedy when you are sick? Depending on what it is I am sick with I will take lots of Bayer aspirin or any one of the Bayer AlkaSeltzer remedies (they have a cold one and a flu one and a stuffy one, etc.) and they work sooooooooooo fast!!!!! I work for Bayer but I truly do love the products and they really work fast - plus I get a slight discount as an employee - HA!!!
{2} When illness strikes, what is your policy on staying home from work, school or church with yourself and the family? I live alone and I definitely stay home if I could possibly infect others! Plus, I am a BIG baby when I am sick!!! I like to just lay around and watch movies or TV all day. I will constantly calling my mommy and telling her that I feel horrible...HA - she just says I am a drama queen but my mommy ALWAYS makes me feel better!!!
{3} What do you think is worse? Flu or cold? BOTH - I hate any kind of sickness or injury all the same!!! Right down to a papercut!!!
{4} Flu shots? Do you get them? Have you yet? I used to swear by them but I have not for the past two years. I take Enbrel shots and that lowers my tolerance so I am no longer allowed to get flu shots :-( I am hoping and praying to stay healthy this winter without one - LOT AND LOTS of hand washing!!!!
{5} When are are feeling down, what is your usual, go-to therapy? (retail therapy, exercise, comfort food, etc). SHOPPING and / or CHOCOLATE!!!! YEAH and YUM!!!
Cannot wait to meet LOTS of new people and read everyone elses responses!!!!!!!! Happy blogging!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Hodge Podge of Halloweeny Stuff and 1 Mean Driver
This is a post of my weekend stuff!!!
This is my outside decor as it currently stands...I may be adding a TON of lights at some point in time once I get shopping time!!!
This is an awesome Halloween gift that my neighbor brought me - she is soooooo sweet - thanks Krissy!! (And no, this is not the neighbor that is nasty...they are different and VERY mean people!!!) Krissy is a sweetheart!!!

And these two pumpkins were also from Krissy - they light up and change colors - AWESOME Halloweenyness!!!

This is the backside of a VERY VERY mean driver that CUT me off in traffic over the weekend!!! I get SO very frustrated with people that drive with no concern for others!!!! If you see this car - RUN or DRIVE the other way!!!!!!!!!!!!

And these two pumpkins were also from Krissy - they light up and change colors - AWESOME Halloweenyness!!!

This is the backside of a VERY VERY mean driver that CUT me off in traffic over the weekend!!! I get SO very frustrated with people that drive with no concern for others!!!! If you see this car - RUN or DRIVE the other way!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my sis's family pretending to be a gaggle of ghosts!! HA! Scary hugh??? We went to the pumpkin festival Saturday morning before they left the kids with me for the rest of the day while they went to a wedding...

Steve and the kids being pumpkins...
A honeybear!!!!!!

And a two-headed honeybear!!

I was babysitting my nieces and nephew and we spent the entire day going from park to park as it was soooooooooooo nice out!!!! Funny story...spun the kids sooo much on the tire swings (they were asking for it) that Ali barfed (hot pink bubblegun colored barf) not good- I know! Note to self: Make an adult decison to stop spinning the kids - never listen when the kids say "I wont puke"! HA!!! Still the cutest kids on the planet (along with my other sister and brothers kids) - little biased I know!!!!

Steve and the kids being pumpkins...

And a two-headed honeybear!!

I was babysitting my nieces and nephew and we spent the entire day going from park to park as it was soooooooooooo nice out!!!! Funny story...spun the kids sooo much on the tire swings (they were asking for it) that Ali barfed (hot pink bubblegun colored barf) not good- I know! Note to self: Make an adult decison to stop spinning the kids - never listen when the kids say "I wont puke"! HA!!! Still the cutest kids on the planet (along with my other sister and brothers kids) - little biased I know!!!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
A relaxing Sunday
I spent a relaxing Sunday in Columbus with family the morning after the wedding. We ran to Costco before the Steeler game and this is the carride there....

Another Madelyn

And another - we were in the car for awhile - HA HA!!!
Here is Brody - my nephew...

And Madely my niece in the car...

Another Madelyn

And another - we were in the car for awhile - HA HA!!!
Back at my sisters for the gam eand the kids got a quick bike ride in...that is Ali my niece on the left...

And Ryan and Kyleigh here...

This is the one minute pose - she needed to go find her helmet

And this is my drive home....the sky looked awesome!!!!

And Ryan and Kyleigh here...

This is the one minute pose - she needed to go find her helmet

And this is my drive home....the sky looked awesome!!!!
Isn't the sky amazing - my cell phone camera did not do it justice...it was soooooo blue and fluffy and bright!!!
And Two Become One
Someday I will get caught up on these posts and they will be current -HA!!! Too much going on lately...
On Saturday Michelle and Tyler became Mr.and Mrs. Amos!!!
On Saturday Michelle and Tyler became Mr.and Mrs. Amos!!!
This is my beautiful cousin that got married this past Saturday in Columbus...
Before the ceremony...

Mr. and Mrs. Amos

First dance at the reception

Lower centerpieces...

High centerpieces...either a high or a low was at every table - these flowers were amazing!!! I took a high one home and turned it into four separate centerpieces...beautiful!!!

The cake - YUM!!!! Spice cake!

Mr. and Mrs. Amos

First dance at the reception

Lower centerpieces...

High centerpieces...either a high or a low was at every table - these flowers were amazing!!! I took a high one home and turned it into four separate centerpieces...beautiful!!!

The cake - YUM!!!! Spice cake!
My borther and sister in law posing...

Mom and Dad!!!

Mom and Dad!!!
My Uncle Tim (birdes father) and two of his grandson's...
After their first dance....
Cutting the cake

Father/daughter dance

Father/daughter dance
Another angle
Sister in law singing to my brother while they dance - scary hugh???? She was hilarious!

This is the brides cousin, Yamilet, dancing with the flower girl (the brides niece Ryleigh) - loved this picture!!!

This is the brides cousin, Yamilet, dancing with the flower girl (the brides niece Ryleigh) - loved this picture!!!
This is my dad and mom dancing the anniversary dance...they say sit down if you have been married less than 1 year...sit down if you have been married less than 5 years - etc....last couple dancing wins...guess what?!?!?!?

All in all, it was an amazing wedding and it was sooooooo nice to see how in love they are - they are a perfect match and I hope they remain happily together for all time!!
Thanks for inviting me to your special day!! It was fabulous!!!

Dad and Mom won!!! They celebrated 46 years together this September and they were married longest of an other couple there!!! I am sooo proud of who they are and the example they set for me EVERYDAY!!! I love you both sooo much!!!

Thanks for inviting me to your special day!! It was fabulous!!!
Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Amos!!!!!
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