Here is another hodge-podge post of pictures...
My new favorite snack at work! Frozen edamame...yum!!!
My new favorite snack at work! Frozen edamame...yum!!!

By the time I eat them at work they are no longer frozen but fresh and cold and YUMMY!!!

We have new babies at my house!!!At least one that I saw!!! Here is a photo. I got home last night and one of my three pregnant fishes started to have babies....I only saw one but they are GREAT hiders and I have a lot of plants for them to hide in...I hope a few survive....I think I need to change my blog to a nature blog with all these animals lately - LOL!!!
Hopefully you can see the new fry in the pic below - he is the blurry thing above the leaf...
What kind of fish do you have? My friend at work has Platties and they have babies in her tank :)