Well, it is weigh in day!!! I did not blog about this until now for a reason. I just rejoined Weight Watchers last week and am sooo exicted! I can;t figure out what I waited so long for - except I am cheap and did not want to spend the money! I have done soooo well all week! Weight Watchers works for me - I lost a lot a couple years ago and then just gradually lost all my good portion control habits and regained about half of it back over two years....well, time to take control again - I rejoined last Saturday!!!
Soooooooooo...Actually tomorrow is weigh in day but as I am leaving for Columbus tomorrow morning at 5AM for a baby sprinkle and family stuff...I weighed in a day early!! At first I thought I would find somewhere in Columbus to weigh in but then decided I want to be able to enjoy the day with my family and not be worried about finding a weight watchers meeting. Plus, next weeks weight in should be even better as I will have an extra day of loss!!! YIPPEE!!!
Soooo..........here it is..................I lost 4.4 pounds this week!!!!!!!
I will be back with many awesome photo posts as I will have family fun photos, photos of the baby "sprinkle" (has anyone else ever heard of this?-LOL) and ny adorable niece Madelyn's first birthday party!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! Lots of fun pictures after this weekend!
Congrats! I'm starting to think that's what it's going to take for me to get with it. I got pretty close to goal weight oh 12 years ago. Sadly I'll have to start all over now.