Thank goodness that today is weigh in day because it gives me something to say! LOL
I have been a bad, bad blogger but I honestly have had nothing to say that is really exciting or positive really....:-)
Things are really busy and crazy at work and really crazy at home....Waliacha is starting a new job and they could not work today as we had a massive snowstorn over the weekend and the snow is still falling. So, needless to say the boys are off today....but Waliacha needs money!!!!!! Oh well, mother nature does not care about bills, etc. so neither do I (I wish I didn't). Anyway, I am trying not to think about it and god-willing he will get to work Tues and Weds before the holiday break.
So, I actually lost 2.8 this week - yippee for me. I was suprised as I snuck a few cookies this week here and there and also had pie and cheesy mac at a holiday party on Tuesday. So I guess the being careful most of the time and working out worked!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!
I hope everyone has a great holiday and I will definitely post the christmas card pic for everyone!!! Merry Christmas to all and God Bless and keep you ALL safe!!!!!!!!!!!
Ann, I also have been remiss in blogging...but we are both HER, right? Good! And YES--Keep Up The Good Work (KUTGW)
That's Right...we are in construction here and mother nature just does not have your bills in mind when it rains for days!! I hope he does get to work and I am so excited that you lost 2.8!!! That is great!! You have a great day and I enjoy your blog even when you are not feeling so much like blogging!!