Today is OUR 13 year anniversary!!!
Thank you to all of you that have ever attended, sat in or spoke at a meeting or written a blog post at all!!!!! Whether positive or negative or happy or sad!!!!
I love my life today sooooooo much and it is only possible because of all you!!!!!!
On 12/9/1996 I entered (what I hope is by the grace of God) my final stint at a rehab (after years in and out) and everyday since has gotten just a little bit better!!! I look back now and do not even recognize that person I was - I do not think, see, feel or act the same at all!!!!!!!!!!
Life is such an amazing journey and thanks to all of you here on blog land because (along with real life meetings) reading your thoughts and inspirations have all added a little piece to who I am today!!!
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo grateful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!
That is something to be very proud of! It takes a lot of determination! YOU GO GIRL!