I kept thinking I had nothing to post today...sad Monday!
I kept thinking I had nothing to post today...sad Monday!
I actually got a lot done this weekend in preparation for Christmas (ran errands/bought gifts/wrapped gifts/finished decor) but nothing really spectacular which deems posting...
I weighed in today at WW and lost 1.4 pounds this week! YIPPEE - still going in the right direction!!!!!
I had a little slip and fall this weekend on a patch of ice....Sunday night I was carrying my purse (not a light purse mind you) and my year old niece Ali (one of the twins) in a dark alley walking to our cars and I slipped on a patch of ice under a puddle of water.....I went flying to my butt while holding Ali above my head the whole time - thank goodness she did not even get wet. I, on the other hand, was a mess!!!! Ripped open palm of my hand where I caught myself...Black, muddy water all over my sweats and white sweater!!!! Not a pretty sight! I borrowed sweats from my Aunt Marti as I had a two hour drive home (could have been a little uncomfortale - HA) and drove home.
I guess my lesson was that I bounce really well as nothing at all hurts today....I thought for sure I would be sooooo sore but I have no aches or pains at all!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!! I BOUNCE WELL!!! And, I used oxy cleaner on my white sweater and it came clean also!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohh, ice. I grew up in central NY and do NOT miss ice!!
ReplyDeleteSorry that I'm just getting back to you on the question about gels. I was sick, sick, sick all week after my 18 miler. There are all different kinds of fueling products, from gels made by various companies to Gatorade-type drinks. I use Hammer Nutrition gels and Endurolytes. You can check out all of their products at
They give a great description (along with videos) of how and when to use their products. I like Hammer because it is all natural and, as a result, is not likely to cause the GI distress that many others do. You can order them online or call your local running and bike shops to find out if they carry them.
As for when to use them in your running, it is really specific to your body. My running partner gels half the time that I do. I really need to gel every 4 miles or I am in serious trouble. Part of that is my insulin resistance.
If you have any other questions, I'll do my best to point you in the right direction! You can email me:
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. I did get my ornaments and I loved them!!!!!!! I thought I left you a comment before saying that. I have been a very very bad blogger and not posted a blog on them yet. Been busy busy month. My son said you could have left the Steelers one out. He is a Giants fan. I proudly placed it on my tree and told him it was to remind me of my bloggy friend.