Here is the Tuesday workout Part 1....

And Part 2...

Here is the Wednesday workout Part 1...

And Thursday workout Part 1...
The planting frenzy has begun! Anyone that knows me knows I love my flowers and herbs....AND especially after my neighbor made his cheesy comments about how he hates my flowers....I love them even more!! So, I decided this year will be the biggest and baddest display yet!!! WHOOOOOO HOOOOO! So it has started!!! I bought these basil plants. I am waiting a few days (or weeks) before planting them outside in their pots so they dont die in the low temp or frost. And, it is supposed to drop low tomight so, until morning they are living on my over the sink shelf under a grow light with my cactus from Arizona.
This is a fuscia - brought it in for the night also, it has white outer shell and beautiful light pink flowers....

Another one I brought in...soooo pretty!!

And finally, another fuscia with purple and pink blooms.

And this is the little baby is actually starting to look like a real fishy...and I can say pretty certainly that it is a she...

Just to give you the acual size of the fishy...that is her in the upper right of the picture..the orange speck....and a normal size fish is on the bottom left of the photo.
This is my assination snail...he eats other snails in my tank. I had two snails on a plant I bought and within two weeks there were literally 50...they multiple faster than bunnies!! No joke! And I found out that they multiply on their own...they do not need a "partner"...oh my, if life were that easy as a human....HA!!!! Anyway...they multiple and take over the tank and clog the filter so I bought this guy and he eats is working slowly....YEAH!!!

Another one I brought in...soooo pretty!!

And finally, another fuscia with purple and pink blooms.

Quick snapshot of my baby Kidrock....chillin'

And this is the little baby is actually starting to look like a real fishy...and I can say pretty certainly that it is a she...

Just to give you the acual size of the fishy...that is her in the upper right of the picture..the orange speck....and a normal size fish is on the bottom left of the photo.

PS - I am ending this with a question I just HAVE to ask!!!
On Wednesday, I was working out at LA Fitness...I waited for 15 minutes to get on an arc machine (there are only five)...anyway....The guy next to me kept farting! It was horrible!!! I could hardly breath...I ignored the first one...then five minutes later he did another...then five minutes later another...and another...I thought I was going to die....I wanted to ask him to go to the restroom and come back after he took care of his issue but I did not. I ended up leaving and going to the treadmill. What would or do you do?!?! I think it is sooooo rude - one is a slip but more than one is just RUDE!!!!! I am just curious what you all think....I did not want to embarrass him however, I also do not think I should have had to leave - but, it was that horrible!!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance for your advice!!! :-) I respect all your opinions! :-)
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