Happy Weekend Ya'll!!!
I ususally never blog on the weekend so this is fun to peek in and see what you all are up to instead of having to wait till Monday!!! HA!!!
I spent my weekend stressed about a presentation that I have to give next week. This is a huge opportunity for me professionally and I am making sure I am as prepared and as professional as possible....
I have to present for about 20 minutes in front of all my fellow employees, managers and directors of my Division next week (about 500 people) - WOW!!!! Live and in person!
It gave me a great excuse to go suit shopping!! I found the cutest suit at Macy's. It is Calvin Klein and the white top underneath is also Calvin.
Excuse the bizare look on my face but I felt stupid posing and waiting for the picture delay to work....HA HA!! This is to show you the cute shirt underneath....little waterfall effect....I know, still more weight to lose.....it's all good...I AM SO ON TRACK!!!! And have never been PERSONALLY happier in my life!!!! YEAH - I am loving being single and getting fit!!!! Okay - sorry that was wayyyy of track...HA HA!!!!
Oh and, yes, I have been tanning too - that helps withthe good mood :-)
And check out the cute shoes!!!!!! Then I decided I needed new shoes to go with it and I found these awesome ones and they are, you guessed it, Calvin Klein!! Really cute neutral color with a slight grey (same as the suit) stripe....so cute!!!
And I love that the shoes have this little metal circle that says Calvin Klein too. Normlly I hate brands that advertise like this (for example: I could never buy a coach purse - hate those giant C's everywhere) but this is so classy and cute - LOVE IT!!!
This is my favorite suit look EVER!!!! Thanks Calvin Klein!!!!!! Love your stuff!!! I hope everyone else had as happy a weeekend as I did!!! Wish me luck...I am gonna need it....lots of extra deoderant that day!!!!!!!!!! HA :-)
Thanks for stopping by! I am a Pittsburgh girl - born and raised! I blog about my city, travel, weight loss, recovery, family, and life in general! I love the Steelers, coffee and my cats! I took a crappy job shutdown and turned it into a positive mid-life pivot - I am now attending nursing school - set to graduate in December 2022!!! Please make sure to comment and let me know you were here...I love making new friends!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Arctic Tundra?
As you may or may not know; we here in western PA have gone from 85 and sunny to FREEZZZZING!!!
Apparently a winter storm in heading through for the next two days so this is my spare bedroom - HA!!!! We are dropping to freezing and possibly snow!!!!!!!!!! No yet though - thank goodness!
I moved all these plants into the bedroom...I am sure this will mean I have allowed many many spiders to eascape into my home - I will be finding them all over in the near future but I could not deal with seeing my posies and hearbs all freeze to death!!!

And this is my kitchen with my basil (also there is my cactus from Arizona that always lives on the kitchen shelf)

And this is two of my three fuscia plants....now happily hanging indoors....
And, last but not least, just to add a ittle variety to this post....this is my workout from Sunday.
Apparently a winter storm in heading through for the next two days so this is my spare bedroom - HA!!!! We are dropping to freezing and possibly snow!!!!!!!!!! No yet though - thank goodness!
I moved all these plants into the bedroom...I am sure this will mean I have allowed many many spiders to eascape into my home - I will be finding them all over in the near future but I could not deal with seeing my posies and hearbs all freeze to death!!!

And this is my kitchen with my basil (also there is my cactus from Arizona that always lives on the kitchen shelf)

And this is two of my three fuscia plants....now happily hanging indoors....

I did Zumba in the AM and hopped on the treadmilll for this little additional workout....averaged 11:55 mile which is good for me (I know....sad to all you REAL runners) :-)

Then Sunday night I cozied in with my fur babies and watched my fav Sunday night television. Amazing Race did not let me down (I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bopper) and also Celebrity Apprentice was well worth two hours of downtime.

Then Sunday night I cozied in with my fur babies and watched my fav Sunday night television. Amazing Race did not let me down (I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bopper) and also Celebrity Apprentice was well worth two hours of downtime.
Happy Monday and Snowday to ya'll from the artic tundra that is Pittsburgh!!!!! I hope everyone has a cozy, relaxing and warm week!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Little of This and Little of That
Hi ya'll!!! How has everyones week been? Mines been busy but great!! Got all my workouts in and lots of work done!! Here is a recap of some of what has happened...
Here is the Tuesday workout Part 1....
And Part 2...

Here is the Wednesday workout Part 1...
And Part 2...

Here is the Tuesday workout Part 1....

And Part 2...

Here is the Wednesday workout Part 1...

And Thursday workout Part 1...
The planting frenzy has begun! Anyone that knows me knows I love my flowers and herbs....AND especially after my neighbor made his cheesy comments about how he hates my flowers....I love them even more!! So, I decided this year will be the biggest and baddest display yet!!! WHOOOOOO HOOOOO! So it has started!!! I bought these basil plants. I am waiting a few days (or weeks) before planting them outside in their pots so they dont die in the low temp or frost. And, it is supposed to drop low tomight so, until morning they are living on my over the sink shelf under a grow light with my cactus from Arizona.
This is a fuscia - brought it in for the night also, it has white outer shell and beautiful light pink flowers....

Another one I brought in...soooo pretty!!

And finally, another fuscia with purple and pink blooms.

And this is the little baby fishy...it is actually starting to look like a real fishy...and I can say pretty certainly that it is a she...

Just to give you the acual size of the fishy...that is her in the upper right of the picture..the orange speck....and a normal size fish is on the bottom left of the photo.
This is my assination snail...he eats other snails in my tank. I had two snails on a plant I bought and within two weeks there were literally 50...they multiple faster than bunnies!! No joke! And I found out that they multiply on their own...they do not need a "partner"...oh my, if life were that easy as a human....HA!!!! Anyway...they multiple and take over the tank and clog the filter so I bought this guy and he eats them...it is working slowly....YEAH!!!

Another one I brought in...soooo pretty!!

And finally, another fuscia with purple and pink blooms.

Quick snapshot of my baby Kidrock....chillin'

And this is the little baby fishy...it is actually starting to look like a real fishy...and I can say pretty certainly that it is a she...

Just to give you the acual size of the fishy...that is her in the upper right of the picture..the orange speck....and a normal size fish is on the bottom left of the photo.

PS - I am ending this with a question I just HAVE to ask!!!
On Wednesday, I was working out at LA Fitness...I waited for 15 minutes to get on an arc machine (there are only five)...anyway....The guy next to me kept farting! It was horrible!!! I could hardly breath...I ignored the first one...then five minutes later he did another...then five minutes later another...and another...I thought I was going to die....I wanted to ask him to go to the restroom and come back after he took care of his issue but I did not. I ended up leaving and going to the treadmill. What would or do you do?!?! I think it is sooooo rude - one is a slip but more than one is just RUDE!!!!! I am just curious what you all think....I did not want to embarrass him however, I also do not think I should have had to leave - but, it was that horrible!!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance for your advice!!! :-) I respect all your opinions! :-)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Etsy - Fun Giveaway

I know you are all probably sick and tired of hearing about my new Etsy site annsterw but I think you are going to love this!!! Did you check out my shop, by the way? HA!! Kidding!!!
One lucky person will win their choice of one item from my shop...up to a $30 value FREE!! Plus, I think you are going to thank me for sending you to her blog...she is an entertaining blogger that is real, honest, and funny and you will definitely thank me when you get the pleasure of meeting her through her blog!!
Go visit Sara at Domestically Challenged and make sure that you follow her blog and then follow her instructions to be entered into the chances to win~~
AND ~~
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Recap A Few Days
I just realized that I have a bunch of pics that I forgot from my blackberry to show you guys...this post will have a little of this and a little of that - HA!
Let's start offf with the IMPORTANT stuff!!! WORKOUTS!!!
This is Part One of my workout for Tuesday....woo hoo jogging 2.25 miles on the treadmill for 362 calories gone!

And part two for Tuesday is 60 minutes on the ArcTrainer...yep, thats 700 calories gone!

Then Wednesdays workout Part 1...jogged 2.31 miles on the treadmill for 372 calories burned...

And Wednesday part two is 60 minutes on the eliptical for 627 calories burned...

back to Easter.....this is my finger after decorating eggs with my nieces and nephews....I am the designated "egg person" and I look forward to it every year!!!!!!!
These are my nieces and nephew from my little sisters family....soooooooooooooo cute!!!!

A side ways shot of Aly.....HA!!!

Here is our campfire...my favorite part of my parents living on a lake is the campfires and smores (oh and boating and sailing and jetskiiing - okay - I love it all)!!!

A shot of mom and sister snuggling at the campfire....HA HA!
Let's start offf with the IMPORTANT stuff!!! WORKOUTS!!!
This is Part One of my workout for Tuesday....woo hoo jogging 2.25 miles on the treadmill for 362 calories gone!

And part two for Tuesday is 60 minutes on the ArcTrainer...yep, thats 700 calories gone!

Then Wednesdays workout Part 1...jogged 2.31 miles on the treadmill for 372 calories burned...

And Wednesday part two is 60 minutes on the eliptical for 627 calories burned...

back to Easter.....this is my finger after decorating eggs with my nieces and nephews....I am the designated "egg person" and I look forward to it every year!!!!!!!

A side ways shot of Aly.....HA!!!

Here is our campfire...my favorite part of my parents living on a lake is the campfires and smores (oh and boating and sailing and jetskiiing - okay - I love it all)!!!

A shot of mom and sister snuggling at the campfire....HA HA!
A chicken we saw over a fence on a walk one morning (yup, walked at Easter for a little exercise since my chocolate fast was over I was inhaling anything and everything chocolate)...
Working out at the Y in my parents little town in Ohio....They had this homemade iPod holder made out of a jean pocket on the machine...so cute!!!!!!!!!!! People here take much better care of the machines than they do at LA Fitness back home!

Tuesday night my tub broke - it would not turn of.....I pushed and pushed and could not get the water to shut off. I called my Dad and tried to shutoff the water and fix it myself and it was a no go....my poor Dad was ready to kill me by the time we hung up. I have no patience when things do not go right....here is the wall after I took the fixture off....

A closer view...

Lots of money and a plumber later...here is the finished product! I was in WAYYYYYY above my head - this was NOT a do it yourself project....unless you own a torch...then maybe?!?!?!

This is a little fishy baby I found the other day swimming around in my aquarium,,,,I was able to sequester him in the plastic tent before he or she was eaten by the bigger fish in the tank....this is a close of of the baby.....

And this will give you a better view of his or her size....this is the little guy or girl from above and the "normal" size adults swimming below.....
And finally, a little advertising for my etsy store annsterw ...this is my new 26.2 marathoner necklace...I love this I am just not qualified to wear it....HA!

I can also make it with 5K instead of the 26.2 or with 13.1...you can get whatever you like on this....

Tuesday night my tub broke - it would not turn of.....I pushed and pushed and could not get the water to shut off. I called my Dad and tried to shutoff the water and fix it myself and it was a no go....my poor Dad was ready to kill me by the time we hung up. I have no patience when things do not go right....here is the wall after I took the fixture off....

A closer view...

Lots of money and a plumber later...here is the finished product! I was in WAYYYYYY above my head - this was NOT a do it yourself project....unless you own a torch...then maybe?!?!?!

This is a little fishy baby I found the other day swimming around in my aquarium,,,,I was able to sequester him in the plastic tent before he or she was eaten by the bigger fish in the tank....this is a close of of the baby.....

And this will give you a better view of his or her size....this is the little guy or girl from above and the "normal" size adults swimming below.....

I can also make it with 5K instead of the 26.2 or with 13.1...you can get whatever you like on this....
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Chocolate induced coma
Happy Tuesday all!! CONGRATS to all my blog buddies that are doing soooooo amazing on their weight loss journeys - I read your blogs this am and am sooooo impressed!!!!! I will be joining back in the ring of watching what I eat as of today!!!
I had a great night spinning last night! Burnt more calories then ever and just felt like I could spin all night...could be due to the fact that I took off about three days in a row over Easter! I went to class with my muscles WELL rested! HA!
I am back on track though! After eating my own weight in chocolate on Easter Sunday (I gave it up for lent so on Easter I shoveled in everything I could find that was chocolate) - so much for will-power!
Happy week to you all!!!

I had a great night spinning last night! Burnt more calories then ever and just felt like I could spin all night...could be due to the fact that I took off about three days in a row over Easter! I went to class with my muscles WELL rested! HA!
I am back on track though! After eating my own weight in chocolate on Easter Sunday (I gave it up for lent so on Easter I shoveled in everything I could find that was chocolate) - so much for will-power!
Happy week to you all!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Happy Easter
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
More Etsy Stuff
So, I have been busy with my etsy store and have been a very lame blogger lately!
I am still reading yours though!!! Thank you for those updates!!!
News is that one of my good blogging buddies, Sara, is going to do a review for my jewelry!! I am so psyched to see what she thinks of the necklace I made for her!!
Stay tuned and I will link to it when she posts! YIPPEE!!!
Also, here are the new things I have added recently to my store at www.etsy.com/shop/annsterw
Handstamped, antique, silver-plated mr and mrs forks - perfect to give as a gift for the couple to use at the wedding for their wedding cake - these are really high quality forks.
Here is a view from firther away of the simple and elegant design of the fork itself...

And these are stamped with i do and i do too - these are my favorites!!

And these are great for a gardener in your life - Mothers Day is on the way!! Great gift!!! Silver-plated, antique spoons with any herb names you prefer on them...

Here is a shot from further away...

This is the same as the necklace I designed for my blogging friend...I hope she loves it!!!

And the namaste design - another favorite! I heard this means "the God in me greets the God in you"...how beautiful is that?!?!?

Here is a great one for ANYONE in an recovery program! This can be for sobriety, OA, GA, NA, AA, etc. Anyone that is working a program of recovery One Day At A Time!!
So, I have been busy with my etsy store and have been a very lame blogger lately!
I am still reading yours though!!! Thank you for those updates!!!
News is that one of my good blogging buddies, Sara, is going to do a review for my jewelry!! I am so psyched to see what she thinks of the necklace I made for her!!
Stay tuned and I will link to it when she posts! YIPPEE!!!
Also, here are the new things I have added recently to my store at www.etsy.com/shop/annsterw
Handstamped, antique, silver-plated mr and mrs forks - perfect to give as a gift for the couple to use at the wedding for their wedding cake - these are really high quality forks.

Here is a view from firther away of the simple and elegant design of the fork itself...

And these are stamped with i do and i do too - these are my favorites!!

And these are great for a gardener in your life - Mothers Day is on the way!! Great gift!!! Silver-plated, antique spoons with any herb names you prefer on them...
Great whimsical addition to any garden or flower pot.

Here is a shot from further away...

This is the same as the necklace I designed for my blogging friend...I hope she loves it!!!

And the namaste design - another favorite! I heard this means "the God in me greets the God in you"...how beautiful is that?!?!?

Here is a great one for ANYONE in an recovery program! This can be for sobriety, OA, GA, NA, AA, etc. Anyone that is working a program of recovery One Day At A Time!!
This is perfect for a gift for bridesmaids from the bride! Also a great gift for a friend - simple and elegant. I can make these with the charm shown or with a shiny, brass circle...also can be made with the capital letter shown or the small letters used in some of the other photos...

This is a neclace for rememberance....it is perfect for memorializing someone by holding that date close to your heart always...I can make these with the angel or with a cat or dog if that is preferred to memorialize a close family pet...
This is my favorite - it is a handstamped bar - you can give me up to four names or words...completely personalized for you!!! A great addition is the birthstones of all the people on the necklace.

This is a neclace for rememberance....it is perfect for memorializing someone by holding that date close to your heart always...I can make these with the angel or with a cat or dog if that is preferred to memorialize a close family pet...

This is self-explanatory...I can stamp any words you prefer on this one....

Love this too!!!!!!!!! Great for beach lover...can be personalized with an additional charm with initial(s) or simply the birthstone as shown

Another favorite!!! This is like the one above and can be personalized with an additional charm with initial(s) or simply the birthstone as shown...

Love this too!!!!!!!!! Great for beach lover...can be personalized with an additional charm with initial(s) or simply the birthstone as shown

Another favorite!!! This is like the one above and can be personalized with an additional charm with initial(s) or simply the birthstone as shown...

Stop on by anytime at www.etsy.com/shop/annster!! I would not only love to make a few sales but it would be awesome to know my bloggy friends are sporting my jewelry!! I promise you will love it if you try it!!!!! It is all hand-stamped by me and jump rings are all soldered by me so there is little chance of losing a charm!! TOP QUALITY!!!
Happy hump day!
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ICU Nurse it is
Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day so far!!! Today is going to be a very random life post! HA! I made a purchase l...
Good morning everyone! This morning came and I did not want to leave my bed! UGH! I am SO tired but it was worth it every second to hang w...
Hi everyone!!!! I have to take care of a few shout outs before I get down to the weekend recap!! First...thank you to Julie for m...