Monday, August 12, 2013

FMM - Have You Ever

Have you ever....
Today I am linking up with Kenlie over at . She is the awesome host each week of FMM and it is something that I love to join in on. You answer the questions and leave your link in the comments so others can read your answers.  It's a really great way to get to know new bloggers and make new friends!!

Here's my answers below...

1. Jumped out of an airplane? No but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to! Too expensive right now but maybe down the line a little ways...

2. Lived alone? Many times! Currently alone if you don't count my two adorable fur babies...7 year old kitties, Angelica and Kidrock!

3. Met a celebrity? Yes,Bobby Vinton when I was a kid and Kidrock a few years ago.

4. Said something to someone that you immediately regret saying? Always, such is my life...not a very quick or effective filter - hee hee

5. Had a manicure/pedicure? Yes, all too often! I did not get my first one until mid 30s and now I go about weekly - sad I know. It just makes me feel soooo good!

6. Gotten a hickey? Sure thing - although I think they are a bit gross and kindergartenish. I NEVER gave one!

7. Owned a pet that was not a dog or a cat? Absolutely! I have had rats, hamsters, gerbils, fish, snails, hermit crab and frogs. I would own a zoo if I could afford to feed everyone!

8. Been outside of your home country? Yes

9. Kissed your best friend? Yes....

10. Eaten food that fell on the floor? Absolutely, five second rule.

11. Met someone online? Yes

12. Been on TV? Yes

13. Had braces? No

14. Gone skinny dipping? Many times as a kid

15. Been to the opera? Yes, I went for the first time last year! It was awesome and I found out they have sub-titles so you can understand! yippee

16. Been caught making out by a policeman? Yes, South Park ruled as the "parking" hangout when I was a kid

17. Sung in public? Only in a group when I was a kid - I am really bad!

18. Handed out candy on Halloween? Every year!

19. Been snowed in? Yes, a few years ago at my sisters house

20. Fallin in front of other people? I am a huge clutz...too many times to recount!

21. Cheated on a test? Yes, Spanish and I got caught. Never cheated again which is why I got c's and d's - hee hee

22. Regretted saying I love you to someone? Never

23. Finished a meal in a restaurant and realized you didn't have your wallet? Never

24. Shot a gun? Never

25. Heard a song that was written for (or about) you? Never


  1. #6, you gotta do the other side of that, below the collar of course ;)

  2. Hi Ann! Glad to have stumbled upon your blog! I was wondering if you feature guest postings. Thanks and have a great day!


ICU Nurse it is

 Hi everyone!! I am just here checking in quickly. I almost feel bad checking in as it has been an eternity since I posted!!! UGH! Life has ...